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A large, female parasite crouched over the burning ruins of her nest, hissing and shrieking in anguish and fury. This parasite is different, because of the prominent crustacean and insectoid characteristics distinctly found in her appearance. Yet there are oddly small crystallized spines lined from both sides of her back, her eight appendages were crustacean, and the limbs have crystal-like hooked pincer claws with tiny crystal spikes adorning the back of her arms. Her visor-like eyes were vivid purple and her hind legs were angled slightly connecting with her crystal-like feet.

Suddenly, the ground shook and tremors ran deep through the cracking faults as intense psionic energy smothered the atmosphere in a blistering fury. The female specimen of a neo-subspecies forebode upon sensing incredible danger from behind her, she turned as purple visor-like eyes flashed in rage but brought up for a moment until fear overcame rage when she saw the dangerous glow radiating from the crystal spines and this was the very moment that she needed her mate to come for rescue.

She took a step back and watched as the massive goliath rose in terror. The hybrid sucked in a deep breath and rocked back on its heels, expanding its chest with the accumulated air. And then, it swung as it thrust its head forward, jaws wide, and spewed forth its power in a blazing stream of celestial, golden fire.

The most dangerous thing about this recently neo subspecies, like their progenitor species other than their capability to produce numerous offspring, was that, as natural enemies, these were additionally resistant to its more powerful abilities than most other entities or beings in existence. The electromagnetic pulse they seemingly produced had initially been designed to interfere with its solar ray or quantum breath, wearing the force of the attack and presenting themselves opportunities for the mating pair to overpower this mutated titan.

The female, however, wasn't anywhere near the strength of her ancestor race's alpha females known as the primes. Her pulse attack managed to weaken its signature ability into a quantum fire, albeit she couldn't fully extinguish the attack, and the blast still had more than enough power to contribute some damage. The quantum breath struck her chest squarely at a blank point, scorching and burning her exoskeleton. She teetered back, screeching in agony and flailing wildly in an attempt to douse the celestial flames that were slowly melting away her strong hide, yet without success. Jet torrents of golden fire were halted for a moment as it inhaled in another but small gulp of air before unleashing a chaotic flare-like ray of solar energy as she lunged back and forth to it.

Blown away by the searing heat of this power, the female parasite crashed into one of the rock formations and tripped off her footing, falling onto the ground sideways. Hissing in pain, she tried to push herself upwards as the armor of her chest and stomach were charred with evaporating steams of dark grey smoke. From this moment, she knew she was losing this fight, as she direly needed help from her mate by now to fight against this beast with teamwork and that second attack felt like a whip or solar flare with a curved spearhead-like tip piercing through her armored exoskeleton into her skin.

A small, male parasite, meanwhile perching above, like the female is also different. The only differences are six appendages, a pair of wings, nimble and strong. Crustacean and insectoid characteristics are found in his appearance but are less prominent. There are a few crystallizations on the membranes of his wings, crystal-like hooked pincer claws with tiny crystal spikes adorning the back of his arms just like his mate. Like his mate, his visor-like eyes were purple and his hind legs were angled as well with his crystal-like feet.

He was an acrobatic flyer, capable of distraction and proving himself a nuisance when it comes to hitting and kitting away only to repeat the same process until his mate could get the upper hand. Leaping from his perch, the male swooped in with raised arms and he could have delivered a blow upon the colossal monstrosity. An aura of green light enveloped his entire being as he writhed in place, flailing his limbs wildly and gravity slowly condensing his body in a tightening, grip-like pressure.

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