3 week after chuck and Blair came back from their honeymoon
"Savanna! Where are my samples!" I yell out to my sample machinist. Things at the Atelier were very chaotic. We were preparing our sample dresses for the Milan Fashion week which is in less than a week. Then the last person I thought would ever be here, walks through the glass atelier doors. "Jenny... what are you doing here" I ask her skeptically. "Blair.. congratulations on your wedding" Jenny tells me hastily. I stare at her wondering what she wants. "Thank you, I assume you didn't come all the way here to congratulate me...?" I ask her. "Well, your mother let me work for her before and it was a great opportunity for me and I really want to start over Blair. Please let me be a part of your company you know how much I love fashion and you know I'm good" Jenny pleads. "I don't hire just anyone you know, and certainly not backstabbing-" I get cutoff. "please Blair." I roll my eyes, "give me some time, I'll think about it. You'll have to get in my good graces. I'm sure I can find you something...oh yes! You can be the refreshments organizer" I tell her sarcastically. "Seriously Blair, you know I'm good." Jenny reminds me. "I'll see, now shoo! I've got a lot of work" I tell her and I walk away.After running some samples with my mom at our place I head back to chucks.
I take a shower and wait for chuck to come home. I go over to the counter and eat some Macaroons. The elevator dings and chuck comes out in his black suit and some papers in his hand. "I ordered sushi! For dinner" I tell him as he comes over and hugs me. "Sounds perfect, I'll just go shower" I nod my head and get comfy on the couch.The sushi arrives and chuck takes a seat next to me. All of a sudden I get a waft of the raw sushi and feel queasy. Pushing the feeling aside I take a bite of the sushi... and immediately cringe and spit it out. I feel sick to the stomach... "Blair, what happen?" Chuck asks concerned. My mouth fills with pre-vomit saliva and I run to the bathroom.
After cleaning up and brushing my teeth in the bathroom, I check my reflection in the mirror, turning my body to the side to see if my stomach had grown. Seemed normal. It must just be the sushi, I don't know how I'd feel if I was pregnant again right now. I don't know if I'm ready yet, considering how I lost my first child in the accident. I'll take the test tomorrow, and make sure.
I walk to the kitchen and make some tea to calm my nerves. Chuck comes up behind me, wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder. "Hey are you okay?" he asks softly. "Oh nothing, the sushi just made me feel nauseous, I'm probably just tired" I tell him not wanting for him to worry. I don't want to tell him if I'm pregnant until I'm sure.
The Next Day..
I stare at the positive symbol on the two pregnancy tests in my hand. It was the weirdest feeling, I felt happy that me and chuck can start a new chapter in our life, but sad and guilt for my lost baby. I hope this time things won't turn out the way they did before.
I decide to wait until chuck got home to tell him the news. In the meantime, me and Dorota go out to feed the ducks to calm my mind and think about the future.
I flip through some designs for my new collection while chuck is in the shower. Once he walks out of the bathroom, I settle myself on the couch and put my design book on the table. Chuck takes a seat beside me. "So what movie do you wanna watch and what should we order for food?" chuck asks as he pours himself a drink. "well before that, I actually wanted to tell you something" I tell him. He turns his head to me and gives me a look that tells me he's listening.
"So yesterday when I felt sick, there was a reason" I tell him cautiously. He takes my hand in his and nods listening intently. "I'm pregnant".His face lights up and he pulls me in for a hug. "That's amazing Blair!... why don't you seem happy?" he asks. "Its not that, I am happy .. I just-" I start but I get cut off. "it's the baby.. when you and Louis.." he says as his smile disappears."
"I'm scared... you know, I just want everything to go smoothly" I tell him. He pulls me in and soothingly pats my hair. "Don't worry, we'll be extra careful. I believe in us" he tells me as he kisses my head. "I don't want to tell anyone about this until I'm ready" I tell him. "Of course, anything" he replies.

3 words, eight letters - say it and I'm yours [Gossip Girl]
FanfictionThis fanfic story continues after the marriage of Blair and Chuck in season 6 episode 10 and follows their life after marriage before the 5-year flashforward.