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Our story begins inside a tree,a very large tree

Said tree towered over mountains and even reached the ends of the skies with it's branches

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Said tree towered over mountains and even reached the ends of the skies with it's branches

But yet for some reason it was still just peacefully in the middle of plains untouched,as if it was just an attraction

A monument that was left barren in the large vastness of the green lands across,what is more surprising however is what is hidden inside of this tree

Traveling under the exposed roots  take those daring to enter inside an immense hollow trunk and inside it

An entire city was built inside of it, however it's state left much to be desired as the aqueducts were dry,the fauna having taken over it's majority, seeping through the cracked windows of ruined homes

An entire city was built inside of it, however it's state left much to be desired as the aqueducts were dry,the fauna having taken over it's majority, seeping through the cracked windows of ruined homes

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A majority of the vines and plants emerging from a large pool of water in the center of the ruined city along with what appeared to be sewer entrances,no doubt from a source of water nearby

However the main focus of the city was a large castle in the middle and towering over all buildings

It seemed to still house life,evidenced by ropes and swings that were loosely placed all around ready to fall down at any moment

The very top was like a place of it's own

A house that was in good shape although looked out of place in the giant terrace of the outside with a sign next to it that read.


Whoever built it must have completely ignored the stairs of the castle and made their own one

The house in itself was simple,made of wood with foundations of stone,it had two floors,the base and upper floors

The base floor had a living room at the front right of the entrance with some modern furniture on it but some of them seemed to have been tempered with

The sofa having claw marks or the table being burned in some areas

At the back was the open kitchen with a long stool separating them,it seemed to have all the necessary equipment a kitchen should have although the sink was in a less than desirable state

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