~6 Angst's Sick Day~

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~One day skip~

Nightmare had sent Killer to look after their son, since he was still absent. He didn't show up to breakfast nor for his training lesson nor their family meeting. That angered him quite a bit, but Crescent on the other hand was quite worried. He hadn't seen his brother the whole day either, which was pretty unusual for his reliable brother. He wanted to follow Killer but Nightmare ordered him to stay in his seat. He wasn't really fond of that, but he didnt wanna fight with him either. So he patiently waited for his mother to come back, hopefully with Angst.

Killer was walking down a long corridor that led to the kids bedrooms. He had a strange feeling and his gut told him that something was off. When he came closer to Angsts room he was able to hear him caugh. That caught killer of guard. He sped up his tempo in walking and finaly arrived at the door from Angsts room. He knocked.

But nobody responded.

So he took a sharp breath and just went in. He was prepared to see everything, but not his son, still in bed with his curtains still covering the windows to not let any sun in.
He raised an eyebrow and approached Angst further, a bit hesitantly now. He quickly came to realize that his son was- still asleep?
He tilted his head in confusion, thats when he saw that Angst was shivering a bit and sweating too.
He thought he was having a bad dream, but he still placed his hand on his sons forhead just to check-
He flinched and pulled his hand away real fast when he started to feel how heated up his son was. He was burning hot.

Killer looked around before turning to Angst again, not knowing how to really deal with a sick child at the age of 17. When Angst was younger it wasn't a bug deal- but now?

He decided to pull Angsts sheets a bit down so he wasn't fully covered from them anymore, since he wanted his body to cool down a bit.
He then sighed and came to the solution that he would just let his child rest for now, while he would get some medicine, a cold wet cloth and some water for him to drink, when he would wake up. So thats what he did, he opened the large window slighty, so a bit fresh air would get into the room, but he did not touch the curtains. He walked out of the room, getting the medicine and a cup of water. After that he soaked some cloth with water so it was cold. While wanting to go back he stumbled apon Crescent that had a worried expression on his face.

He asked, knowing full well that killer knew what he was talking about.
"He's in his bed- seemingly having catched a cold or the flu. I'm not sure. But he's definitely having a fever and is still sleeping. So leave him alone. He needs rest, Crescent"
He responded, quite cold without any emotions. Crescent didnt knew it differently from Killer so it was fine. He did flinch though when his mother told him about the fact that Angst was sick.

"I'm going anyways! You can't stop me. Father wanted to see you anyways. He asked for a report!"
The medicine and cup of water in killers hand, catched Crescents attention.
"Let me handle this. I'll bring this to Angst, and you go to father."
He slowly reached for the items in Killers hand and took them into his. Killer sighed and nod.
"Alright fine. But don't wake him up, just let him rest, Crescent."
While killer was giving Crescent these instructions, he was turning around, ready to go talk to Nightmare, giving him the report on Angst.

He already knew Nightmare would certainly not be fond of hearing that. Killer quietly went back to his so called husband, and stood a few meters away from him. Nightmare did not have to say a word, his expression made clear that he wanted Killer to talk.
"He's sick, boss. Angst is still asleep and is struggling with a fever, as it seems."

Nightmare rolled his eyes before reaching for his forhead and moaning annoyed of what Killer just had told him.
"He's so weak. I'm ashamed to call him my son. But fine. Let him stay in his room, I do not want to see his face while he's carrying that..."
He stopped and made a disgusting mimic.
"...illness. I do not want this to spread onto others in the castle. If that happens, I will fully blame him and he will get a punishment. Understood?"
He looked down on killer with a cold but still terrifying look.
Killer just nodded in respons to which Nightmare nodded too and allowed him to leave.

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