Just The Start

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(You are a non bender who is great friends with Sokka, Katara, and Aang, with the siblings being your childhood friends you are from the water tribe so you think?)

"I present to you the earth kingdom city of Om-, Oh, no" Sokka says, "What is it?" I say lagging behind, "So much has happend" Katara says, "Well, we aren't going in there" I say, everyone then turns to look at me "Y/N DONT SAY THAT" katara says with anger, "what it's the truth we go in there we are not coming out, its covered with fire navy", "I can't believe it, I know the war has spread far but Omashu always seemed...untouchable" says aang with a sad expression on his face while looking back we all take a moment to figure out what to do until Aang spoke up saying "No, I'm going in to find Bumi.", " Aang stop, we don't even know if Bumi's still...", "What, if hes still what?" As we all talk about bumi and telling aang we shouldn't go in he sticks with his mission to find Bumi.

As we go towards a secret passage I stay close to aang in front of katara without getting soaked except for sokka as we reach the surface sokka comes out with a little something everywhere, Katara and Aang both blasts him with air knocking off the gunk, I giggle as I watch Sokka freak out over cute little pentapusses.

As guards approached us Aang put on his hat as a disguise and it wasn't a good one seeing the long blue line on the back of his head, but as we start to walk of one of the guards points out the marks on Sokka's neck that the pentapusses had left, "Wait, what's the matter with him" the gaurd says sternly, me and katara looks at sokka's  neck "he has pentapox, sir" katara says as sokka looks woozy playing it off, the gaurd continues to get closer "Its highly contagious." Katara says with passion.

All of a sudden sokka starts coughing and acting like a... zombie?

*time skip*

Aangs POV

As we are walking I notice a family walking right into a trap, boulders were rolling down so I break them using air bending all of a sudden a crazy knife girl started chasing us throwing darts out of her sleeves yet missing every throw I then knock down some structures blocking her as she throws one more knife it lands in my staff and then a couple more all of a sudden we were sucked under ground.

*time skip*


As we were in that hole we met Omashu soldiers who told us Bumi surrenderd but sokka had an escape idea for the citizens of Omashu, sokka idea was great a case of pentapox for everyone seeing as the soldiers thought it was deadly last night, "The marks make you look sick, but you gotta act sick, too!" Sokka says as a old man walks by groaning, "Now, that's what I'm talking about." Sokka says grabbing the guy next to him.

As all the citizens start getting read Aang splits up to find Bumi "IM COMING" I said out of boredom, "okay, y/n. Sorry, Momo, I'll feed you later" I then hold on to aang and we take off jumping fro. Building to building.

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