Author's Note

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I began writing this book in 2018. It was during my second year of college. I was nineteen years old then and eager to find my voice as a writer. Now I'm twenty-three years old with a four-month-old son and set to graduate with two concentrations (English and French) this June 30th. I've gained experience as both a writer and junior editor for Her Campus Magazine and finally found my voice as a writer.

Levittown has a special place in my heart. It was the first novel I ever completed after several attempts with other stories I wasn't passionate about. Not only did Levittown help me find my voice as a writer, but it also showed me my writing style and the kinds of topics/themes I want to tackle in all my stories. Whether I write mysteries, psychological thrillers, or contemporaries, I now know I want to depict social criticisms.

Since finishing college this past May, I've been rereading Levittown with the purpose of writing a second draft. This rereading process has made me see the potential Levittown has (I'm proud of my writing, the characters, and the world I've created), but also the plot holes, grammatical errors, and unnecessary descriptions. My dream is to get published, so I want to polish this novel as best as I can before diving into the world of publishing.

Right now, I'm in the planning/plotting phase of this second draft. So far, I've only rewritten the prologue entirely. I'm so proud of how it turned out. There will be major and minor changes, but the essence of the book, its mystery, and the social criticism will stay the same. I'm changing the book's title to one I find more fitting, but this first draft, along with its original title, will stay on Wattpad.

I'll be writing this new and improved version offline and will share the changes I've made once I complete it. However, I won't share details about changes that involve the plot because that would spoil the story. I'll only share things like name changes, characters' new attributes, the new book description, its new structure, etc.

I know I've been inactive for over a year, guys. It mostly had to do with how busy my life got between summer 2021 and now. Within this past year, I became pregnant, had my beautiful baby boy, assumed my new role as a mother, and had to complete four investigations to finally obtain my bachelor's degree. I didn't have time for anything.

However, I've seen all your lovely comments, read your messages about how you relate to these characters, their struggles, this world, and seen how much you love my writing and Levittown. I get excited AND teary-eyed when I read your strong reactions to this novel. It's all a writer wants, to have an effect on readers, to see them react to what they've created, to experience how they relate to the characters.

I'm happy to say that my hiatus is over. I haven't been on Wattpad, but I haven't stopped writing. Now I'm excited to come back to this amazing platform to share more of my writing and my work. If you're interested in reading more from me, I've posted a new novel titled MY BODY IS NOT MY OWN in my profile.

It's a Contemporary New Adult novel completely different from Levittown. If you want to know what it's about, check out the novel description in my profile. Updates will begin in August 2022. I already have prewritten chapters and will continue to write it offline during this month to give you guys regular updates in August.

This is the novel I've wanted to write since I was fourteen years old and discovered my passion for all things literature. Thanks to Levittown for giving me my voice as a writer, I now know how to develop this new story. So, I'll be working on two WIPs: the new version of LEVITTOWN offline and the first draft of MY BODY IS NOT MY OWN in Wattpad.

Thank you, guys, so much for your support and all the love you've given and continue to give Levittown. I'm forever grateful to you. I know a lot of time has passed since I updated the epilogue, but I will post a Q&A + Fun Facts + Fan Art/Cover Art chapter very soon.

If you have any questions or doubts about the novel, you can post them in an inline comment here so I can include them in this Q&A chapter.

IN AN INLINE COMMENT HERE, mention any plot holes you noticed, how you think the story can improve, what you most liked and disliked about the book, and any other details you think are pertinent to improve Levittown. This will help me during my second draft journey!

Thank you so much for your support, and I hope to see you in my new novel.

Thank you so much for your support, and I hope to see you in my new novel

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