part 13 going to his house

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Next day

No one pov

Jennie was done with her cloth and make up
This is what jennie wear for her office

Jennie was done with her cloth and make upThis is what jennie wear for her office

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It was backless jennie is looking like beautiful cold boss

Jennie went downstairs she was making her breakfast when she heard door bell ring after all it was done jennie off the stove and went toward her door and open and now she was shock and confused to see

Taehyung oppa what are you doing here asked jennie
Oh don't you remember what I said you yesterday said Taehyung
You said you will pick me up but why did you came her so much earlier asked jennie
Don't you remember I also said that I want to see your house said Taehyung
Jennie just nodded
Oppa did you had your breakfast asked jennie
Actually no said Taehyung
Ok then oppa go and sit on dinning table I will served the breakfast said jennie
No needed of this jennie Taehyung
No oppa you can't go office without breakfast you have to eat said jennie while dragging him to the dinning table Taehyung was in shock because jennie hold his his hand

Oppa you sit here I will serve breakfast
Said jennie
Taehyung nodded
Jennie went to take and come breakfast
Taehyung was in shock to see jennie bare back
Ahh fuck why she have to wear backless dress said Taehyung
Jennie came and served the breakfast
Jennie was eating her breakfast when she her eyes she didn't even notice that how much handsome he was looking

By the way this is what Taehyung wear

By the way this is what Taehyung wear

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Jennie and taehyung were done eating

Oppa wait a minute I will wash this dishes said jennie
Taehyung nodded
Again jennie back was facing Taehyun
Taehyung get up and went toward jennie

Jennie pov

I was washing the dishes when I felt a hot breath on my neck and hand on my back I know who it is but I didn't feel
Uncomfortable by his touch I feel safe when Taehyung oppa keep his hands on my bare back then Taehyung oppa whisper

Jennie we will be late for office and there is something on your back a wait a min I will remove it said Taehyung oppa in his deep voice while caressing my bare back with his hand oh my God it feel so much fucking good jennie stop your harmons you know it wrong but feel so much good but also he is your sister husband jennie thought irrupted When taehyung speak
Let go jennie said Taehyung while dragging she didn't even realize that now she and taehyung where out side her house

Jennie lock your house I will wait for you in car said Taehyung while going towards his car she lock her house and sit in his car

Taehyung pov

How I badly want to kiss your back not only back but whole your body taehyung said in his mind

They reached office and started to do there work

Time skip

It was time to go home Taehyung is done with his work so he went to jennie office he open the door to find out jennie work on laptop she was so much in her work she didn't even realize that Taehyung came near her ear and whisper
Miss are you done with your said Taehyung seducely jennie who was working hearing his word send chill to her spine
Yes Mr kim I am also done so let go said jennie while getting up hurry
Ok then let's go said Taehyung
Jennie nodded
They went to Taehyung car and take a sit inside it and started the car

No one dare to talk

Time skip

Now jennie was in front of her house

Bye oppa said jennie while went outside of car
Bye jennie said Taehyung drive back to his house

Jennie pov

After taking I lay down on bed and take my mobile and saw that there was a missed call from jisoo unnie i call her immediately then after a sec jisoo unnie pick up the call

On the call

Unnie did you call me asked jennie
Yes jennie you know na tomorrow is Sunday right the reason why I call you is because I am missing you nini and I want my nini to come to my house to spend time with me said jisoo
Oh I miss you to unnie and unnie I will come to your house just send me address said jennie
I will send address tomorrow and I have sleep now so good night said jisoo
Goodnight unnie said jennie and hangup the call
I was going to sleep when I remembered some things
Oh no so that mean I will meet Taehyung oppa
Oh God please nothing bad should happen tomorrow I said in my mind
Then I fall asleep

Guys pls don't forget to


Her sister's husband ( Taejensoo ) ( Taennie ff )Where stories live. Discover now