1.01: The Pilot

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NOTE: this is AU so don't expect it to be accurate or anything. Don't expect it to be fully in character because again it is AU so anything can happen. So don't trash my writing please. Also there is an original female character in this named Katie James who is portrayed by sabrina carpenter because I love my girl so much. ☺

Charlie had been nervous about starting the first day of high school because he was terrified that people would find out his secret.

"Where is Elle?" Tao asked, clearly worried. "She said she'd meet us here."

"I'm sure she'll be here any second" Charlie was sure of it. "She's probably just running a little late is all."

"Or she's terrified of coming" Isaac said, softly.

"What if she is?" Tao didn't want to go to school without Elle by his side. "Should we go to check on her?"

Charlie shook his head and pointed. "No, because there she comes."

Elle walked to them, looking confused to see the worried face Tao had. "What?"

Tao cleared his throat. "Nothing. I just didn't think you were going to come."

Charlie felt at a loss when he could see people staring at them as they walked across the campus.

He worried that at any second people could figure out his secret.


Nick was standing against his locker to see that some girls were staring at him and so he waved at them, feeling confused.

"What's going on there?"

"Haven't you heard? You're a star now" Harry told him. "After leading us to wins all last year all the girls want you and all the guys want to be you."

Nick shook his head. "That's a lot of pressure..."

"It makes you a God" Harry shrugged. "So use it to your power to get what you want."

But Nick didn't want to do that.

He didn't want people to like him just because he had won some games. He wanted them to geninuely like him for who he was.


Charlie took his seat still feeling the nervousness when he could see that a girl had entered the class looking bored out of her mind.

"Is this seat taken?" She didn't really care if he said no but she took the seat beside Charlie.

"I guess not."

The girl stared at him. "Oh my god. You're gay."

Charlie looked around to make sure nobody her. "I'm not."

"Oh, please" She rolled her eyes. "Trust me. I'm never wrong about these things." She smiled. "By the way I'm Katie."

Charlie nodded. "Hi."

The bell rang signaling the end of class and Charlie tried to go on but Katie followed after him. "Yes?"

"I've decided your my new gay best friend" Katie told him. "I just moved here from the states so I don't know anybody."

Charlie shook his head. "I'm not gay..."

"Right" Katie laughed. "Don't worry it's a secret between friends."

Charlie hoped that she would actually keep it quiet because the last thing he needed was for his secret to get out.


Nick was trying to ignore the girls that were fawning over him. Its not that they weren't beautiful but it was the fact they only liked him because of the wrong reasons.

"I'm staring to think you're gay" Harry said with disgust. "I mean who would turn down all those babes?"

Nick stared at him. "I'm not gay." Nick knew he wasn't straight either but he didn't feel that he had to tell anybody that. "I just want to be with somebody that likes me for me."

Harry laughed. "That's so gay."

Nick accidentally ran into Charlie and he backed up quickly. "Sorry about that." He gulped as their eyes met each other.

"You don't have to be sorry" Harry rolled his eyes and knocked Charlie's books out of his hand. "Let's go, Nick."

Nick felt like a jerk as he walked past Charlie. He knew that he hadn't done anything but still he felt like a utter fool for not trying to help Charlie pick up all of his books.


It was after school when Charlie was waiting outside the school when he could see that Nick was walking out of the building.

He was sure that Nick wouldn't say anything to him but surprisingly he came over and Charlie braced himself for a beat down.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry about my friend" Nick said apologizing. "And I'm sorry I didn't help you pick them up."

"Why would you be sorry?" Charlie felt confused. "You didn't do anything wrong..."

Nick smiled at him. "I know but still. I should've did something." He nodded at Charlie. "I'll see you around." And with that he walked on.

Charlie couldn't help but blush over the encounter and let him fantasize but he tried to shake those thoughts away because he knew it would never happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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