𝐈 | The Beginning We've All Seen Before

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I gasp awake, quickly looking around for- I'm home? Did someone move me here after the fight? Why here and not my apartment? Or the hospital? Oh fuck I'm- I'm not bleeding? Despite feeling around my head like a maniac, I can feel anything that

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I gasp awake, quickly looking around for- I'm home? Did someone move me here after the fight? Why here and not my apartment? Or the hospital? Oh fuck I'm- I'm not bleeding? Despite feeling around my head like a maniac, I can feel anything that... hurts. I definitely cracked my skull or some shit.

Okay, okay. Willow, take a deep breath. Go to the bathroom and rise off your face, look in the mirror and... panic some more. I look young. Like insanely fucking younger. Years off my face. I mean, I didn't age drastically by anymeans but... I still have a puberty face and breakouts everywhere. Slightly horrifying, and only one answer being valid.

I died.

The question is, when does the torture start? Is this my torture, puberty? In my childhood home, an extreme comfort to me? No, I don't believe that for a minute. With quiet feet, I walk out of the bathroom and through the hallways, peaking into Stiles room and finding him sleeping soundly. So I'm not completely alone, unless my hell is that I have puberty AND everyone just sleeps around me, leaving me all alone... Possibly. Well, if ones an incident, twos a coincidence, but there isn't a third person in this house, leaving me to hope that Dad's awake so I'd know I'm not in hell.

I don't even have to open the door to hear words I'd never though I'd hear again, of a police radio with extremely specific words. I didn't even open the door, I heard it loud and clearly through it.

There was a dead body in the Beacon Hills woods. A female, probably around 20 years old. The body was found by joggers, and the big twist? The body was cut in half.


Unfortunately, I knew how important tonight was. Without tonight, Scott would never become a werewolf. And nothing that ever happened... happens. So with shaky hands, I woke Stiles up and broke the news to him. He's estatic, excited, borderline jumping with joy as he gets dressed and rushes out the door and into the jeep. All I can do is follow quietly, getting in the passanger side and just closing my eyes as he drives closer and closer to the McCall house. When the time comes, I just tell Stiles I'll wait in the car while he gets Scott. I can't even remember what I said tonight, only how much chaos and pain it's caused all of us in the long run. And I could stop it. Here and now, I could stop it. Fuck with the jeep, make it so we run over a nail, or just simply say "no. Scott's right. We should stay home and get a good nights sleep for school tomorrow." It's all I want to do.

But I'm not sure I can change this at all. If I said anything at all, would it change anything? Would it be worse, because then Peter Hale would be on the loose, as well as the Argents, and would more people get hurt?

The thing is, I don't think it matters to me. If I could save the people I care about pain? Stop people from dying?

But instead of doing any of that, I'm frozen. Unable to move from my seat in the jeep, barley processing as the boys get in and Stiles turns the screw driver used for a key, as we make the drive deeper and deeper into the woods of Beacon Hills, and I feel like I'm going to throw up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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