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The gang arrived at their destination. Sam and Buffy got to the back of the car with Dean and Brad. "What do you got those amped up to?" Sam asked.

"100,00 volts."

"Damn." Buffy says.

"Yeah, I want this rawhead extra freakin' crispy." Dean says causing Buffy to be unsure about this mission. "Remember, you only get one shot with these things, so make it count."

Buffy grabbed what she needed as Dean closed the trunk. She followed them inside. Buffy behind them with Brad. They got to the bottom of the stairs and heard a noise. Buffy opened the door to see the kids. "I got them."

"Be careful, baby." Sam says as they went upstairs.

Buffy screamed out as she was grabbed causing Dean to shoot the stun gun at the thing. "Get them out of here, Sam."

"Let's go." Sam says grabbing Buffy.
After getting the kids back to safety, Buffy and Sam ran back down. They saw Dean and Brad unconscious. "Dean!" Sam says as Buffy ran to her brother.

"Brad?" She said trying to wake him up, but nothing.
Sam held Buffy as the nurse asked for idea. She didn't say much as she handed her fake id over with Sam's. "Okay, Mr and Mrs....Berkovitz." She says.

They turned to see the cops looking at them. "Look, uh, we can finish this up later."

"No, no, it's okay." Sam says as he pulled Buffy to her side as she hasn't said much. "We were just taking a shortcut through the neighborhood, and our windows were rolled down."

"We heard some screaming when we drove past the house, and we stopped, ran in." Buffy tells them as Sam looked at her.

"And found the kids in the basement."

"Yeah." The two answered.

"Well, thank God you did." The officer said.

They heard a door shut causing them to look. "Excuse us." Sam says as him and Buffy walked away to see how Dean and Brad. "How are they?"

"They're resting."

"And?" Buffy says.

"The electrocution triggered a heart attack..." Buffy closed her eyes as she listened. "Pretty massive, I'm afraid. His heart...it's damaged."

"How damaged?" Sam asked as he pulled Buffy into his chest.

"We've done all we can." The doctor says. "We can try and keep them comfortable at this point, but I'd give them a couple of weeks at most, maybe a month."

"Oh my god." Buffy says.

"No, no, there's...got to be something you can do, some kind of treatment." Sam says as Buffy had tears going down her face.

"We can't work miracles." The doctor says. "I really am sorry."

Sam nodded as him and Buffy went to their rooms. Buffy kissed Sam before going into her brother's room. "Hey." She says.

"You know." He says as she nodded. "Looks like it's you and Sam now."

Buffy didn't say a word as she looked at him. Brad knew his sister wasn't ready to talk as he was dying. Sam walked in and looked at his girlfriend. "Buffy, let's go."

"Where are you going?"

"We're going to stop you and Dean from dying." Sam says. "Watch us."
Buffy laid on the bed as she listened to Sam leave a message for John. He included Dean and Brad causing her to put her arms around him till they heard a knock at the door. Sam looked at Buffy before he went to the answer the door. When the door opened, Buffy was shocked. "What..."

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