A/N and requests

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Okay so, the only reason I am writing this is because I can find literally no shadowhunters react fanfiction. This will most likely be very bad as I am an amateur writer, but I will do my best.

Here is where I will take requests, so if you want to request anything, go wild. When I say anything, I mean ANYTHING that you have wanted to see in a reaction. Within reason, the sky is the fucking limit in this fic.


1.) Be respectful, I will not tolerate bigotry, homophobia, hate speach, ect.

2.) If spelling errors are made you can correct them, if you are nice about it

3.) Don't sexualize me

4.) Don't hound me to write something, especially if I say no to a certain idea

5.) If you start to like it ( which I doubt you will) please don't repeatedly ask for updates


There probably won't be a schedule for updates, but I will try to get chapters out when I can. I am moving across the country in a couple of weeks as well as trying to graduate with a passing grade

Ayyyyy finally got wifi, I will now be able to write for my 'Shadowhunters react' book. Just so you know I have a ton of Ideas for chapters, I have at least 30 videos lined up and only a small amount are requests, 3 different aus and more! So if you end up liking it, stay tuned for new chapters.

I just got into my new house a few days ago and there were some problems, like power and water, or the lack thereof so we barely had any electronic use and when we did we had no wifi and barely any data. So my point is please be patient if it take me a bit for chapters and requests because I have so much to do irl. I understand that I already said that I don't have an update schedule, and that is true, but I still feel guilty for not updating.

Also I passed all my classes with like a C lol

Shadowhunters react to things (Slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now