"One supposed bad guy to another"

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No One's POV

Alvarez was defeated and it was a tough battle for all guilds. Today, Sabertooth celebrated the one-year anniversary since the defeat of Alvarez and Acnologia. All of Sabertooth was worried that day. The day the Dragon Slayers suddenly disappeared one by one out of nowhere. Minerva had no idea where Rogue or Sting went. They just went poof. 

When they learned what happened, they were hoping and believing all they good that they were strong enough to stop Acnologia. Thankfully, united, the united powers of the Dragon Slayers were enough to stop the black dragon of the apocalypse and Sabertooth's Twin Dragons were returned. 

The Guild Hall was filled with Olga singing despite Rufus's protest and Dobengal trying to dance. Yukino, poor thing was passed out from too much drinking and Lector and Frosch were playing the part of her body gaurds while Sting was trying to sing with Olga while stuffing his face. It was a bit disturbing but amusing sight. 

Minerva couldn't imagine being anywhere else. Seeing her friends, her family like this, it made her treasure that moment, but it also filled her with regret.

"What's wrong M'Lady?" Minerva turned as she saw Rogue approach and sit beside her. "You look down."

"Nothing." Minerva said as she looked back at her friends, "Just thinking how lucky we are." She said. 

Rogue followed her gaze as he too overlooked their friends. "How lucky, or how unfortunate to have Sting for a master?" Rogue asked jokingly.

"Lucky." Minerva insisted. "Lucky to have a master that cares so much. A best friend like Yukino. An aspiring singer Olga and a gentlemen like Rufus." Minerva explained. "And a very forgiving guild." 

Rogue looked at Minerva confused. "What do you mean forgiving?"

Minerva faced Rogue hesitant.

"I-I guess. Sometimes when I look at everyone. When I see how happy we all are. How much of a family we are. I question if I deserve it because of who I was." Minerva began, "I was horrible. I stabbed Kagura. I hurt Lucy, I blackmailed Sting by using Lector."

"Hey, we've forgotten about that." Rogue said, "We forgive you."

"Maybe but, it's hard to remember what I was. How I hurt these people so close to me the way I did." 

Rogue became somber as he could relate.

"I get that." Rogue said as Minerva faced him. "Future Rogue that attacked. He attacked us and all the other guilds. He killed future Lucy, in front of Lucy!" Rogue explained. "I could only imagine what that's like. To watch yourself die. And Natsu, to watch the person you care about most die right in front of you but it's not exactly her but it is."

"But taht wasn't you."

"It was and wasn't." Rogue added, "It was me, but future me. More powerful and older." Rogue went silent for a moment, "I learned after, from Natsu that Future Rogue had sting's powers because he had skilled Sting and stole his powers. When I learned that, I couldn't believe it because Sting's my best friend." Rogue faced Minerva, "We've both done things we're not proud of. But it does get better. Take it from me. One Supposed bad guy to another. If there's one place in this world where can fit in and be accepted, it's here." Rogue said. 

"Thank you, Rogue." Minerva said. 

Maybe it was the sip of margarita Minerva had or the moment, but some pulled Minerva and something compelled Rogue to lean in. Minerva knew she shouldn't. She'd not drunk and she knows better but He smells so good. 

Rogue knows he shouldn't. She could have drunk something, and he was no pervert but he felt compelled and she looked beautiful.

Her foreheads touched as they both hesitated to touch lips. 

"I-uh, I should go." Minerva said." But she didn't. She couldn't move as she was already so close to Rogue.

"You should go." Rogue repeated in a deep voice. 

"I should go?" Minerva questioned herself and why she wasn't moving. Minerva's eyes moved up as she looked into Rogue's eyes and she was lost to the one they called the Shadow Dragon Slayer.


A/N: This is a requested book. Or Requested couple/story/book. I'm not sure but yes. Here it is. I hope you enjoy. this first chapter! Until next time!

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