Chapter Five

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It had been three months since I started working at Izumo's bar. He was finally comfortable enough to teach me how to bartend, and he wanted me to take some classes.

"I don't know if I'll be any good at it, honestly." I was hesitant to accept his offer as I wiped the bar down. Today was a little different, it was still daylight out and the whole gang was hanging out around the bar while I cleaned and prepared for the bar to be closed for the next three nights.

Izumo was going out of town and had to shut it down to the public. He still wanted me to come in and clean a little while he was gone, but nothing major.

"I'm sure you'll be great at it, Y/N, just give it a shot." Yata added in. He was always so confident in my ability to do things. Mikoto was sitting on the couch next to Anna, who I noticed also didn't say a whole lot. Don't get me wrong, she was really sweet to make up for her quiet stare.

"Well.. I'm .. I don't know guys.."

"What were you doing before you met us and came here?" I hesitated. I still hadn't opened up about nearly anything. I looked around the room and was met with nothing but smiles.

You don't have to tell them everything.. just a little.

"I was... going to college here in Shizume City. I had to be put in the hospital for a ..few weeks.. and I just never considered going back." The room was quiet. It was Yata who broke the silence, "What college?" All eyes were on me and the faces were no longer smiling.

"Um.. the University.. " I hesitated to confirm their growing suspicions.

"The one that-"

"Yeah, that one." I confirmed quickly and uncomfortably. I noticed the look Izumo exchanged with Mikoto and I could feel Mikoto's stare on me.

"She doesn't want to talk about it." That was all Mikoto had to say. It was completely dropped after that. I was thankful, silently of course. I know Yata didn't mean anything by asking, so I didn't want to be dramatic about it.

"So! What's everyone doing the next few days?" I quickly took my opportunity to change the subject. A blush crossed Yata's face and he scratched the back of his neck. His next confession took me off guard a little but I nearly jumped out of my shoes with excitement.

"I actually have a girl I'm taking on a date or two."

"YES!" I clasped my hands together, "Oh yes! I am so excited for you!" His blush intensified and the room filled with laughter.

"What about you, Mikoto?"

"I'll be here."  He mumbled with a cigarette in his mouth and his head resting against the back of the couch. "Might get some sleep."

"Sleep? You're always sleeping. I'm pretty sure I heard you snoring the other morning. It had to be you, no one else was here."  I teased, once again causing the building to erupt in laughter. A grin crossed his face and he pulled the cigarette from his lips before looking at me.

"Well it's too bad you didn't come find out." I threw a rag off the counter at him and shook my head. "You pervert!"

"How am I the pervert when you were the one thinking it?" He threw the rag back at me and it landed against my chest. It was all playful teasing, nothing more. It was really a sense of relief to have established such a friendship with someone that used to terrify me with just one look. Now I wasn't scared of him, but sometimes he would catch me off guard and I took it the wrong way. I learned in the last three months that it was best to outright ask him if he was mad or if I had done something wrong, because he had no issue whatsoever with clarifying. Mikoto just couldn't take hints very well so he couldn't quite bridge our communication gap before. However, I think he's learning to do better with it as well.. at least it sure seems like he's trying.

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