Yes, Yes. I like that

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Samuel Rodrigues, also known as Jetstream Sam. Lying down on the side of the road, bleeding to death after fighting with the Ripper or known as Raiden. He only thought of one thing that time. 'At least, he' able to change...what has begun. I...just wished I...could've gotten another...chance in life and became...better..'. With his last thought gone, he closed his eyes and let himself die but no one noticed, not even himself or the people who just left, his body glowed brightly from head to toe and when the light died, his body is gone.



Sam: 'Huh, I feel warm inside and the wind, I can feel it's gentleness. Is this grass? I thought I laid down on dirt. I can feel..roots? Big roots, am I under a tree? Wait, how can I think? I thought I died-'
*opens eyes and sits up*  Huh, I'm alive.. *checks his chest and arm and sees a naked human torso and his whole body is human-like*  I-Impossible, I'm a human again and where am I.. *looks around and sees a river and immediately runs to it to wash his face and look at his reflection*  I- I'm a teenager again but how.. *suddenly feels something inside him and he curls up in pain*  WHAT IS THIS- GRRRRRRRAAAAAAAHHHH!!! *pain slowly disappears and he pants*  Hah..hah...what happened to m-

???: Sam, it's me..

Sam: Huh, who was that-

???: Your blade, I am still with you.

Sam: My blade? *realizes*  Muramasa?! But how are you alive?

Murasama: <I do not know myself and it seems I have gained souls of what appears to be a beast named Trihexa and a devil king named Satan Lucifer. Because of this, this makes you partially human, a devil king, and a beast now. That also explains the pain you were feeling earlier as the current flow of different powers were adjusting inside your body, luckily your body was already strong enough to handle the pain. I then tried using the memories of these souls and according to it, the supernatural exists like the devils, angels, fallen angels and gods. Although it seems that the Biblical God is dead after the event called "The 3rd Great War" where all 3 factions fought in a war  and because of this said war, the 4 devil kings including Satan have died and most of the population from all 3 factions which is why they rely on humans to repopulate each and one of them.>

Sam: I see, but how can I call you out if you really are my blade?

Murasama: <Use the same stance you always use and feel my energy flow out to your hands and release it by using your drive to fight.>

Sam: *sighs*  Okay, here goes.

Closing his eyes, he then prepares his stance and he then feels a form of energy flowing from his chest through his arms and onto his hands. During this he remembered every battle he had using his blade, his lost against Senator Armstrong, his fights with Raiden and his death but there's one thing he never forgot; his father. The person who was with him since his mother's death after his birth, the one who did everything to become the best father for him, taught him to fight, gave everything he needed and sacrificed himself to save his son.

Releasing the desire to fight, the energy from his hands flown through and shaped itself as a weapon in his hands, an armor on his body and 2 different wings in 3 pairs each kind; a dark, featherless, and with sharp tips and the other pairs consisted of crimson red colored with gray touch, feathered 3 pairs of wings all sprouted on his back. He gave off an aura that made every animal close to him either pass out or die in the mere pressure of his aura.

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