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Crystal's POV:

"But-" I said nervously to Nico.

"Hey you didn't do anything stupid last night, at least not to me." He replied. "What's the last thing you remember?"

"I was arguing with Alessia- the blank."

"No one has seen or heard from her since last night so maybe she's just still mad about the argument." He tried to reassure me. "What were you arguing about?"

"I can't remember, only that she tried to take the drugs and I got mad."

Those drugs worked faster then I expected them to but a little rest and I'm back to normal.

And I can't remember anything other then me and Alessia arguing, and then me jumping in the pool, then Lupin taking me home, anything past those few parts are a blank.

"Well let's ask M.J. or Elijah."

"What makes you think they know anything?"

"Because every time I saw them they were somewhere by the main entrance, so it would only make sense that one of them know, and besides it was M.J.'s house someone had to tell her something."

"Are you sure what if their mad?"

"What would they be mad about exactly?"

"Whatever I did to Alessia."

"You don't don't know it is your fault she's mad."

"I just have this feeling."

"Also Alessia and you have been best friends forever, it's always been Alessia and Crystal. Crystal and Alessia."

"We have been best friends for like 7 mounts, that's not that long, and what if what I did is unforgettable?"

"I doubt it."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I don't know I just am."

"So she might hate me? Because your feelings aren't usually right."

"Yes. But trust."

"I'll trust you today but if you're wrong and I just make it worse I'll never forgive you."

"I know, lil sis. I know."

She can't hate me right?



"Hey." I said to the bitchy girl I helped.

"What do you want Hernandez?" She asked with an annoyed tone.

"Your name." I smiled. "And it's not Hernandez it's Morganstern."

"Right whatever, and you don't need to know my name."

"But I want to."

"Sorry but I have class."

"This is my class to, so let's talk."

"I don't want to talk, so just leave me the hell alone!" She snapped.

Oh! She's a feisty one.

I get why Ice tried talking to her, she seems interesting.

"I don't want to. Your name?" I smirked.

"What is up with you people and taking an interest in me? Why don't you mess with someone else?"

"Because." I stated.

"That's not an answer." She started to get visibly mad.

"Because you have this interesting vibe about you.
You seem like the type of person to not care of what happens to you. It's like your a light that can beet any darkness. It's not something people usually got going on. So what makes you so interesting? The way you grew up. Your backstory." I explained. "It has to be interesting, for a girl like you to be like you. So what is it? Spill."

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