A Proposal

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Author Note: Hi I thought I posted the first chapter yesterday turns out I didn't so here is another chapter.

As the human gained their strength they started looking around. For what you may be asking. The curse, Sukuna. Why? Because the curse spared their life. In the human’s mind, they owed them.

The human was quite curious about Sukuna. I mean with unique bubblegum pink hair. Two faces. 4 arms. It is like two humans glued on to each other. You don’t see that every day. This made the human addicted to knowing more about the curse that speared them.

As they wander through the forest for hours and hours they find this secluded area surrounded by plum blossom trees. By the time they found the secluded area it was night. With only the moonlight shining up above.

They looked past a few trees and there he was. The curse. As plum blossom flowers fell illuminating his face along with a bright full moon. It gave the curse a glowing effect. He looked peaceful just sitting there on a rock. Well minus the dead bodies around him. But other than that it was mesmerizing. The human could take their eyes off him.

Until he looked straight into their eyes. His eyes are colder than ice.

"What are you doing here? " he quickly remembered.

"I came here to find you, sir," they responded with a smile, all fear they once had felt leaving their body.

"Why? " he asked, confused.

“Because I have a proposal,” they said timidly.

“And what is it?”

"I want to dedicate my life to you and only you sir. I want to severe you. Forever. Longer than forever. Or as long as you need me. I'll do anything for you. Like a servant and their king. If you accept this I'll become your servant and you'll become my king. '' they pleaded.

"Why? " he asked again.

"Because you speared me," they replied

"Hm. Interesting." was all Sukuna said. He began thinking of something.

As they waited for his response they began to look around. Then something caught their eyes. One of their neighbors. Dead. but not eaten. Just had a bite mark on their shoulder.

“May I ask you a question,” they asked.

“Sure I guess,” Sukuna replied

“Why haven't you eaten any of them?”


“Well, the people in the village?”

“Oh because I don’t like it raw so I usually burn them but that also doesn’t taste good so I eat it just because.”

“Oh, that's something I can do.”


“I mean I can cook.”

"Hm," Sukuna was all he said while walking up to the human. "Name?"

"Huh? " they said, confused.

"I asked for your name or do you not have one. Sukuna said, leaning closer to her face.

"I have one," they said

"Then please tell me," he said.

"My name is Uraume," they said shyly.

“Uraume what?”

“Just Uraume.”

“Hm. Pretty name. " Sukuna said and after that, they could have sworn they saw that he smiled.

“What is your name?”
“Sukuna. Ryomen Sukuna. But you may call me Ryomen.” he paused, then asked something else. “Is there anything you would like me to know to make you feel respected?”

"Hm," they asked, confused since no one respected them.

"If you're my servant I want to respect you so I ask again is there anything you would like me to know to make you feel respected,” Sukuna said, looking into their eyes with no more icy look in them, only a slight warmth that melted the ice in his eyes.

"Oh well, I do go by them/them." They said with a slight smile.

"Okay, then I'll call you by they/them," Sukuna said.

"Oh thank you. " surprised and happy that someone respected them.

"Of course. Shall I heal your wounds?" he asked them.

"Hm oh yes please." said happily.

"Alright," he said, then began to heal them.

"Where shall we go now?" Uraume questioned.

"Home," Sukuna said with a slight smile. "Um, can I pick you up? " Sukuna said nervously.

"Oh sure," they said.

And with that Sukuna picked them up bridal style. And carried them through the trees, taking care of them and making sure that they were okay. Going through all different types of weather. Until they reached a big house. On top of a mountain. Where they reached a shrine area thing.

“Where are we?” Uraume questioned.

“Home. we are home.” Sukuna replied

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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