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After I got my mom's permission to go to Robin's house, I packed a bag, making sure to bring pajamas for me, and pajamas for Robin. I also quickly changed out of Robin's clothes, as much as I loved them, I had been wearing them for awhile.

"Are you almost done?" Robin sounded annoyed. I had asked Robin to wait outside, and she was currently sitting against the door. About every five seconds, she would bang her head against the door.

I opened the door causing Robin to almost fall back, "You are an extremely impatient person," I helped Robin up.

She shrugged, "Oh well," and she took my hand and led me towards the door.

"Do you want your clothes back?" I asked before she could get me out of my house. I knew she would probably say no, but I figured I should ask anyways.

"Uhhh, they're your clothes now," she rolled her eyes like that was obvious.

"Okay, great," we left headed towards Robin's house.

I really enjoyed our walk, the weather was calm. It was cool outside. Ever so often, Robin would let go of my hand and skip a few feet ahead of me and be disappointed when I didn't do the same.

"Come on Stokes," she whined when I didn't skip with her.

"I'm not going to frolic with you," I told her.

She frowned and came back to me, "Ugh. Fine."

I took her hand and after about a thirty minute walk, we arrived at her house.

She went to go to the door and all of sudden I was terrified. What we're her parents going to think of me? I usually didn't care, but these were Robin's parents. If they hated me I would hate myself.

"Hey, I promise you, they're going to love you," she squeezed my hand, "You've got this, I won't let them be mean, or talk to you too long, or leave you alone with them," she smiled, "I promise," she stuck out her pinkie.

I interlocked my pinkie with hers, before letting her lead me inside, "Please like me, please like me, please like me," I whispered before they came around the corner.

"Mom! Dad! I'm here! With Adrian!" Robin was practically shouting, "You know, my new friend!"

Her parents quickly came around the corner and smiled when they saw me, "Hi dear, My name is Ashley," Robins mom came up to me.

I reached out to shake her hand, but then she gave me a warm embrace, "Um, hi, I'm Adrian Stokes," I awkwardly patted her back before waving at Robin's dad.

"Alright mom, well we're going to go to my room now so see you later," Robin grabbed me and pulled me away from her mom.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Mrs. Buckley," I smiled and waved before I was drug up the stairs.

She dragged me into her room and slammed the door, "I'm sorry she hugged you, she doesn't really have a sense of boundaries, and she does whatever the hell she wants to whoever the hell she wants," she looked at me sort of concerned, "Are you alright after that? I don't really know how you feel about physical touch, and you made a really uncomfortable face, and I don't want you to never come back to my house because my mom is super touchy and everything," I cut her off by giving her a hug.

"Robin, it's alright," I smiled at her, "I'm not the biggest fan of physical touch, but I don't mind it when it comes from certain people."

She looked confused, "Wait, did I make you uncomfortable when I asked you to cuddle any of the times we cuddled?"

"No, well, the first time it was a little uncomfortable, but that was mostly because I hadn't really cuddled anyone in forever. So it was sort of awkward, but it was like you were a professional at it, so it wasn't too bad after the first five minutes."

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