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Challenge No.99 - Hidden Images.

Write a scene or story in which a character sees (or misses) a hidden image. What does this hidden image reveal—is it the clue they've been searching for?


Irma was finding out first-hand that the line between sanity and insanity is an extremely fine one, so fine that there are moments when it is difficult to differentiate between the two states. Such was the state and condition of Irma. She insisted that she was sane - the doctors disagreed.

"Irma?" Dr Stonewall cooed.

'Good name for you.' Irma thought to herself.

"Irma?" He called softly again.

"Mmmmm?" Her system pumped with drugs that was the most she could be bothered to say.

"How you doing today?"


"Yes. Today."

"Okay." She wasn't really sure.

"Your sister came by."

"Sister?" Irma remembered her well. She'd put in this hell hole.

"Yes. She brought your Teddy Bear as you asked. That's quite a large teddy. It's the first time I've seen a life-size teddy up close."

"Yeah." Irma hugged it.

"What's its name? Does it have one?"

"Oh yes."

After a pause the doctor prodded. "What's its name? Will you tell me?"

"Teddy. His name is Teddy."

"Ahh, I see. Well, I'll leave you and Teddy and I'll pass by tomorrow morning to visit. We'll do the inkblot game again. Bye." The doctor left with no acknowledgement from his patient.

Irma hugged the teddy, placed it in a corner, crawled into her bed and gazed at the massive toy.

"My name is Inkspot not Teddy." It said.

"Huh?" In her fuzziness Irma thought 'This wasn't supposed to happen.'

"I thought I'd never get to see you. My name is Inkspot, not Teddy," he repeated.


The teddy stood, turned his head towards the door. Satisfied that the shutter was closed he positioned himself under the CCTV camera. "I'm here to get you out."


"Oh, my Irma, what are they doing to you?"

She grinned. "You're my teddy."

"Yes. I'm your Teddy Bear, come to get you out."


"Come get me. Put me to sit with you. I don't want people to see me walking about."


Seated side by side, Inkspot told Irma his plan. "Do you understand?"

"Yes. No more meds. Meds are bad."

"That's right. The meds are making you fuzzy. Tomorrow you'll feel better because no meds tonight."

"They open my mouth and hands."

"Don't worry. Inkspot will make sure you are safe."


"Now when the doctor comes tomorrow for the inkblot game what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to speak to him properly."

"When he shows you the blotches on the paper what are you going to say?"

"Inkspot!" She laughed.

"That's my Irma!"

"Will it work?"

"You are not the first human I have had to rescue. It works every time. The doctor will be shocked at your change. But I'll get you out."

"Good. I hate this place."

"See? If you were insane, you would not notice or care."

"Thank you, Inkspot. Sorry I called you Teddy. I didn't know your name."

"That's fine Irma and you're welcome."

© 7 June 2022

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