Chapter 1

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Allison's POV


I woke up and glanced at the clock on my side table, 5:30 AM. I sat up feeling groggy. I went to the bathroom and washed my face then went down to see my mom cooking breakfast and Dad mixing his coffee on the counter.

''Good morning Mom, Dad." I said to them.

"Morning Allie.'' Mom said

''How's your sleep?" Dad said.

"It was fine." I said. Though I only slept for 3 hours because I was studying for a quiz today but hey its normal for me already cause I always sleep late because of my study habits. I need to keep up with my grades if I want to graduate with flying colors and have a decent job so I can help my family.

Oh yeah I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Allison Mendoza, 17 yrs. Old, I am currently a 1st year college student in Skyford University taking up accountancy. I not really good with socializing with other people I don't know personally but don't judge I still have friends at school, not that much, but hey at least they're true friends.

I am the only daughter of Dale Mendoza and Grace Mendoza. My Dad works as a regular employee in a small company and my Mom is an elementary teacher. Though both of my parents are working it is still not enough to support the family due to the fact that we owe a very huge debt to a certain family in which I don't know who cause I didn't even bother to ask my parents and bring the topic up. All I know is that the reason we have a huge debt is because of the company we had when I was younger. It wasn't a big company though but at least life was easier back then but due to the sudden drop of the economy the company was closed. My parents tried to save the company but it was no use, it was too late and then we've got a huge debt to pay until now. But it's ok because when I finally graduate I'll help parents so that they wouldn't have anymore burdens.

After breakfast I went to the bathroom and took a bath then changed to my school uniform. I really loved my uniform cause it like a Korean inspired uniform but with a longer skirt below the knees partnered with a navy blue jacket with the school's logo on the right side with a white long sleeved blouse inside.

I brushed my hair and fixed the things I needed for school inside my backpack then went outside and said my goodbyes to my parents and headed off to school, Skyford University. Well my school is famous for the smartest and richest kids of significant people today. If you wondering why I'm learning here well the answer to that is that I have a scholarship here. I can't afford to let my parents pay for the shockingly high tuition fee here. I also work as an SA (Student Assistant) here in Skyford, it's actually kinda hard to juggle school work and assisting in school but for the sake of learning in a high standard school it's just fine because if I can assure to have a well-paying job after graduating well then I'll go for it, for the sake of my family. Yes, I can do this.

As I went inside the large school gates of Skyford University and if you could just see what I'm seeing now is that you just be awed by its surroundings. Our school has a very large garden, high class restaurants, an Olympic sized swimming  pool, a soccer field, 3 basketball courts, an auditorium, a huge gymnasium, and many other facilities I haven't even been to.

Suddenly as I was walking a bunch of screaming girls huddled together around a Lamborghini Veneno (you wondering why I knew the car's model? I  know I little bit of cars cause I research about them in my spare time which I don't have much due to the intense studying) which was owned by none other than the most popular student in Skyford Academy, Ashton Skyford. Yeah you read it right SKYFORD, his family owns this school and not only that they also own the internationally renowned SKYFORD GROUP OF COMPANIES their business range from banks to hotels to restaurants and many other businesses you can think of, they've got that.  Yeah their filthy stinkin' rich and he's one of heck of a spoiled brat. Not only that he's the ever loved president of the student council and I heard that while learning here he is also managing 3 companies that his family owns. He's also the top student here. He's the reason why my goal on being number one becomes unreachable. To top it all off his really arrogant. I know that with his status he has the right to be arrogant, but hey hasn't he heard the word humble??? Ughhhhh..... fudge I hate his guts.  Curse this school's hierarchy.

Just..... Nevermind, I plan on graduating peacefully here. I am now currently walking to my class not minding other students when suddenly.....


Yes, my nickname is Allie but only my closest friends and sometimes my parents call me that speaking of closest friends.... Here comes Tiffany.

"Hey Tiff" I said.

"Allie, I missed you so much" Tiffany said.

"What are you talking about? We just saw each other last week." I

"But that was like two days ago!!!" She protested while waving her hands in the air like a lunatic. Pfft.

"Hahaha.... Ok I give up. I missed you too Tiff."


Tiffany Wilson, my best friend, is the daughter of Mark Wilson and Elle Wilson. Her dad is a most sought after corporate lawyer of this time and her mom is a very famous fashion designer. Regardless of Tiffany's background, she is kind and humble, not like the other students here that are rich and snobby.

After our so called little reunion, Tiffany and I went to our separate classrooms. When I arrived in my classroom I sat on my usual seat and took out a random book from my backpack and started reading while waiting for the teacher. (Yeah.. yeah booknerd..)

The teacher entered the classroom then started with lecturing on our lessons. The whole day passed like the other days, same pattern- home, school, home.

The bell rang and that means the end of another typical day for me.

I am now here in my bedroom studying, of course. It's already 12:30 AM. After a while I felt that my eyelids felt heavy so I decided to take a nap so I nodded on my study table.


Hey guyyyzz.... Thanks for reading my story hope you like it. Please understand if its not that good cause I'm new to this whole writing thing. I know its still boring cause there is nothing much going on in this chappy..

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