Itoshi Rin In Denial

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(This one will be taking place while training for the U20 arc)  This ones a little more mature and stuff towards the end 

'Why, why the hell do I think about her all the time, when im about to sleep, when I wake up, and even during practice. Stupid y/n, why do you make me feel like this..' I shouldn't be thinking of her not when I have the u20 match coming up, so how the hell do I get this pest off my mind.

As I was eating lunch someone put their hand in front of my face "Guess who it is Rin-kun" I felt as if I could hear that smirk I knew was on her stupid face "A nusiance." y/n pouted and pushed my head taking a seat next to me "Wow Rin-kun, your bright in the morning as always huh" 

The whole time she sat there I felt hot and heavy, I felt the need to stay with her as long as I could. And I HATE it, it makes me squeeze my stomach and shake my leg. "Rin?? are you okay, you seem um idk stressed" no im not okay, and I don't know why but my heart beats faster and faster as you speak. "Rin? Rin Itoshi, uh ill grab you a water alright i'll be right back."  Finally she will leave but why. Why did I grab her wrist "Woah Rin" I quickly let go "Sorry you can go, I have to practice anyways." 

'I can't practice, not with her on my mind. How lukewarm of her to be such a pest. Before I knew it was time for morning practice, and I already entered late I even missed a penalty shot'. During our break Isagi came up to me "Rin. Why are you so off, do you id not know have something on your mind, you seem out of it and everyone knows." How annoying, od course I know somethings wrong "It's nothing of your business. But if you have to know someones just distracting me alright. Now don't talk to me anymore" Suddenly he had a mischievous grin "Rin, if that someone is perhaps say a girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes, I personally think someone has a crush, that's just me. Well see ya!"  

The entire practice what Isagi said made me mad, a crush. 'How stupid, stupid Isagi has no right to even talk to me. But why did I tell him something was on my mind. Was it for comfort, well nonetheless I don't care. It won't matter, Right.'

As I laid down in my bed I thought about what that stupid guy said once again. 'I don't have a crush on Y/n right. It's impossible, she annoys me, she's the bane of my existence, she makes me feel adrenaline, and she's, she's, just so lukewarm.'

If she's so lukewarm why am I at the front of her dorm room knocking. I was about to leave until she opened it. She was in her pj's already she looked normal why was I blushing what the hell is this. "Oh Rin-kun" I grabbed her hand as she close her dorm room and pulled her to the field. "Y/n." she looked up as I let go of her hand "Why, do you do this" I felt my heartbeat spike "Do what, Did I do something wrong if so im sorry rin." she tilted her head and I covered my face as it turned red. "Y/n why, why the hell does my heart feel so heavy when im with you, why the hell is my face red, and why the hell are you always on my fucking mind. Your such a pest, but I just can't hate it, and it annoys me so much, too much I hate this feeling so you should be the one to tell me, its your fault for making me feel like this. So what is this feeling, because it is so very lukewarm" She started, y/n started to cover her face with both her hands. "Holyyy you called me out at 12am for this" she squealed and laid down on the field "Thank god it wasn't just me huh Rin," 

So you feel the same feeling then with me y/n?'' she nodded and stretched her arms out " Here come sit next to me" She sat up and pulled me down and I ended up going off my  balance and was on top of her with my hands not on the ground near her shoulders  

She wasn't even holding me down but I didn't move, I didn't want to move. I stared into her eyes but then I found myself staring at her lips as she asked me to move. "rin could ya get up" she smiled at me "no." I kept staring at her lips, and soon, mine were on hers. She didn't resist at all. My tongue entered her mouth and hers did the same, it felt as we accepted each other in that moment, In those moments life felt like it went by way too fast but it was already 1am. "Y/n I think I know what I feel now." When I said those words I couldn't help but feel my lips curl up as I was about to finish what I was saying she cut me off "Rin, I like you too" She smiled and in that second everything felt. Not so lukewarm, but perfect. 

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