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Adam woke up, his eyes adjusting to the light streaming in through the window. He exhaled sharply before standing up to wrench open the curtains.

Brooklyn was bright this morning and Adam flinched back from the onslaught of light and stimuli. Thousands of tiny people were walking to work, to school, or even home. They could be going anywhere.

He turned away from the window and grabbed a pair of old jeans off his desk chair. He pulled them on, the material rubbing against his sleepy skin.

It was 10 am.

Adam left his room, waving good morning to one of the other kids in the house.

Ever since he was young Adam had been staying at Rosie's. Rosie was his foster mother and had been since he was four and entered into the system.

Adam signed 'good morning' to the kids as he passed through the dining room to the kitchen. There were scrambled eggs. Adam really likes scrambled eggs.

He sat down at the breakfast table and began to eat. This usually meant that no one tried to talk to him but the memo was, apparently, missed by a few kids.

One kid, Sylvie, slid a piece of paper across the table with 'Did you see the news about Spider-man?' written on it in big circular handwriting.

Adam shook his head at the girl.

She took the paper back, scribbled on it for a moment and then placed it in front of him. 'You should look. It's scary.'

Sylvie was 10, everything was scary to her, but Adam was a little worried so he pulled out his phone. 'I'll check it out.' He wrote, giving her the paper back.

The news was abuzz with the information about Spider-man. Apparently, he went ballistic on a petty bank robber. Some reporters are calling him a murderer and a menace but Adam was more worried. This wasn't usual Spider-man behaviour.

He wasn't obsessed with the superhero but, as all the kids in the home knew, Adam liked superheroes. He was intrigued by their powers and their seemingly impossible abilities.

Spider-man was especially interesting to most of the kids and Adam. Mostly because he is speculated to be around Adam's age and something about someone his age being a superhero is immediately an interesting topic.

Adam had definitely been the kind of kid who had dreamed of being a superhero like Captain America and when he lost his hearing Adam didn't give up. He took gymnastics classes, judo and other martial arts, he worked on parkour for years, Rosie enabling his curiosity and burgeoning physicality.

Then when Spider-man emerged from the woodwork and started catching cars and stopping robberies, Adam felt as if he wasn't doing enough. He wasn't helping enough, he had abilities from years and years of work, why would he not use them?

So yeah, Adam was intrigued by this new news. Spider-man hurts someone so badly that the man is still in surgery and there is no sign of the hero since then. Something about that is so incredibly wrong.

Again, Adam has never met Spider-man but it's pretty obvious that the hero wouldn't hurt someone like that.

Adam took a bite of his eggs as he closed the news tab on his phone. He nodded to Sylvie, writing on the paper she sent back, 'That is scary.'

Sylvie nodded, taking a bite of her toast and then moving on to steal a slice of toast from Craig.




Vinny zoomed down the stairs, her blonde hair trailing behind her as she moved swiftly. "Russ, did you see the news about Spider-man?"

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