part 50

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Alikai abruptly stopped the blades slammed into him.sweat fell from chakas forehead.the sea of blades seemed to split apart.chaka winced a purple eye glared back at him.alikais arm burst through the blades he grabbed chakas neck and lifted him up.

Alikai said chaka my hate is not towards you so get out my way.chaka was blasted away he was blown through a rock into a mountain.the man looked up at alikai he looked down at him.alikai walked towards him the man said its no use chaka will always protect me because of the chip.alikai said really he dissapered air burst out from where alikai was.

Chaka staggered up a black light zipped  next to chaka.sweat ran down chakas face alikai said cant have you helping him.alikai rose his right arm the aura around his body.formed into a blade it burst into the sky.

Zupo and nalas eyes widend.alikais blade was in the clouds.alikai swung down a dust cloud erupted up into the sky.alikai held a chip in his hand.he crushed it chaka was passed out.alikai appread were the man was there was no one there.alikai looked at the blood trail.

The man crawled on his arms through the woods.tears fell from his eyes he gripped the remot nothing happened.he heared light footsteps he looked through the dark woods.moonlight peered on alikai face he looked at the man with no feelings other than hate.the man yelled out.

Zupo said i think its over nala ripped herself out of zupos grip. she dashed through the woods to alikai.zupo bit her lip her eyes swelled up.zupo watched nala leave.

A dust cloud erupted the mans body jumped up.alikai punched again another dust cloud erupted blood covered alikais started to evaporate.more cracks formed on alikais body.alikai chuckeled he laughed manically into the air.

Nala trembeld alikai turned to her he smiled he fell down.nala leant down next to alikai she hugged him.alikai smiled he hugged back.zupo walked up to them she hugged alikai tears soiled alikais shirt.alikai smiled he said it ok ha i guess i really lost myself huh i feel cold man was i dumb.kamil and dad are here right now.alikai patted nalas head he said love you😁.alikai fell limp zupos lip quivered she yelled out.nala grabbed alikais cape it was on the floor.nala put it on her back.she fell on her knees and prayed she stood up she said lets go zupo.she wiped her tears and stood up.

Chaka opened his eyes.he said the voices in my head there gone there really gone im free.zupo and nala appread infront of him.chaka bent down his head he said i am sorry for what i have do-.nala hugged him she helled back tears.the air grew cold zupo yelled run.nala said wh- zupo shot them away with her blades.10 lights blasted into the floor.4 people stood there they said you killed the proffeser?blades formed from zupos arms she blasted off at them.

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