back at the cabin..

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(Y/Ns P. O. V)

It started to rain so I head back to my cabin, to see if all my room mates are there. All the girls are sat talking and laughing on their bunks. I look around confused, "Um... were you guys just in the woods?" I ask, most of the girls turn looking at me with various levels of confusion on their faces. A short girl with pale blue eyes, that look almost gray, her hair is a dark brown, the ends dyed blond as it falls to her shoulders. It's this girl who answers my question. "No, we've all been in here talking. Why?" She says, turning around to fully face me "Oh... um... I heard some stuff in the woods and thought someone was following me..." It sounded silly now that I said it out loud, after all I'd only really heard a twig snap and that could have easily been an animal. "But it was probably nothing" I say, hoping the girls don't think I'm too weird. The short girl smiles and walks over to me " I'm Bethany, but most people call me Beth. What's your name?" she said in a chipper voice "Oh my names (Y/N) but you can call me (Y/N/N)" I say a bit shyly "That's such a pretty name" Beth says. I can feel my face getting red from the complement, I let out a nervous laugh "Thank you" I say, flicking my eyes around the room. "Aren't you the new girl?" Beth asks" um, yeah. Why?" I'm slightly confused by Beth's question, but her smile widens as she asks "Wanna hang out with me?" She sounds almost proud asking. "Um... no thank you, I've been hanging out with Alex, and I think he'd be upset if I just left him out. I can ask Alex if he would be alright if you came and sat with us sometime" I say, trying not to upset her, but also aware that Alex is very shy and may not want to have someone else sat with us. "Who's Alex?" She looks at me bewildered. As if she hasn't noticed the boy sat on his own drawing almost every mealtime. "Alex? Tall slim boy, with black hair and glasses, green eyes?" Surly she knows who I'm talking about? You can't miss him. Beth stood there for a moment thinking "Umm I think so, is he the one that always sits by the window with a drawing book?" I give a faint smile "Yep that's him" I giggle, a smile gradually appearing on my face "To be honest I thought he was mute. I've never seen him talk" Beth says shocked "yeah, he barely talks but that's good, when you want someone there but don't wanna talk. Ya know?" I say smiling. Suddenly a shrill scream rips though the quiet evening air, causing all of us to whip our heads around. "What was that?!" A tall, chubby, pale girl with long wavey, brown hair and blue eyes with flecks of green in says, her voice shaking as her eyes dart around. "Someone screamed Esmae" Beth says bluntly "Well yeah. But who Beth?!" Esmae says, clinging to another girl "Get off me Esmae!" A girl, who's name I didn't know says "But Lauren!" Esmae wines. Lauren doesn't seem to be listening and shakes Esmae off her arm. Lauren then starts to walk towards me "Do you want to go investigate? New girl" This girl, Lauren has beautiful spirals of chestnut hair, up close I notice that there are some reddish highlights, weaving through her curls. Her eyes were a beautiful blue. "Um, sure let's go" I say trying to be brave for once, but my hands were starting to get hot and clammy. We all start towards the door, Lauren grabs the door handle and takes a deep breath, she then opens the door and peeks around it "Oh...There's a moose wandering around near the bins. We should be ok if we don't go out for a bit" she says calmly " Oh then who was screaming?" I ask, "Probably Isaac" Beth says snickering, some of the other girls laughing along with her "Anyway it's almost 11pm so we might as well go to bed" Esmae says yawning and wandering back to her bunk "Oh shoot! I need to get changed these clothes are wet from collecting the sticks" I say mostly to myself. I change into a white tee-shirt and (F/C) shorts. I toss my wet clothes into a pile; I'll take them to be washed tomorrow I think as I climb into my bed. It may be uncomfortable, but it feels like a 5-star hotel bed after a long day of work. I can feel my eye lids getting heavy, but I still couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.

(Toby P. O. V)

I walked towards the mansion; I was only going to drop off my hatchets because if I'm caught with them by anyone I'll be in deep shit with Sir. I take a deep breath before opening the door. The first thing I see is Jeff and Ben fighting about something. I'm walking up the stairs to my room when I hear Masky call my name "Yes?" I say huffing in annoyance because I didn't want to be in the mansion for long. I get to the top of the stairs and he's standing there with his arms folded "Yes?!" I say louder this time trying to make him understand that I was not in the mood for being yelled at "Toby, calm down. Jeez! I was wondering if you had seen my meds?" He said "Oh sorry. No, I haven't" I say, feeling a bit bad for being abrupt with him. l walk past Masky and head to my room, taking the hatchets off and throwing them on my bed. I walk over to my desk and open a draw, smiling at all the pictures of (Y/N). I softy sigh and take one out and stare at it for a while studying her (H/L) (H/C) and (E/C). I'd twitch every now and again, which just frustrates me. I put the picture back "I can't be bothered" I say sighing, slamming the draw. Feeling far to tired to do my new routine of standing at the small cabins window where (Y/N) should be laid asleep. Instead, I walk back to my bed and throw my hatchets to the floor, I then lay on my bed trying to fall asleep.

(A.N 1102 words yayy anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter I also toby and y/n will interact in the next chapter promise :P)

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