Something Great

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        Lizzy knocked on the greasy back door in the dark ally. He waited patiently in the sputtering rain, unconsciously counting each one that fell around him. Most people by now would have turned and left, wondering if they had gone to the wrong place, but Lizzy had a sharp picture in his mind- or more like a video- of the professor rattling off the address to him. This was the right place.

        But, Lizzy had no patience, he'd like to think. So when he felt he'd waited a sufficient amount of time, he turned to leave without giving another knock.

        Then, suddenly, the heavy door burst open with a rusted screech. A tall, older gentleman in a leather jacket stood awkwardly in the door way as he noticed Lizzy's small presence before him.

        "Can I help you?" he asked hesitantly.

        "I'm looking for Mr. Brauner."


        "Dr. Jerian Nelson, he referred me for an interview, I was told to come in at my earliest convenience."

        The man stuck his head out the door and looked back and forth, muttering, "Son, it's about six thirty in the morning, what are you thinking?"

        "I'm on my way home from school and I stopped by for an interview. Take it or leave it."

        The man looked him up and down suspiciously, scratching at his scruffy beard before a little mischievous grin passed over his lips. He chuckled.

        "I like you, kid. Come on in."

        He waved Lizzy in, who followed behind closely, trying to escape the drizzling rain. His clothes were damp and cold, and he wasn't going to be very happy if he got sick from this.

        They walked through a shockingly disgusting hallway with nearly brown walls and cracked flooring. Thankfully, it slowly got more and more clean and better kept as they progressed towards the main area where the food was kept and prepared. They reached the kitchen and Lizzy took a long moment to look around and take it all in.

        The floor and walls were a slightly off white from years of use, the appliances were generally clean and looked quite nice. There was a nice chill to the room, and a smell of heavy sanitization wafting around.

        "So, your Jerian's boy, eh?" he asked, watching Lizzy's gaze swerve around the room.

        "Yeah, one of his students."

        "Where do you go to school at?"

        "I go to Johnathan."

        He paused and stared at Lizzy with a confused glare. Lizzy turned to face him, letting the man soak in his looks.  Dirty, torn jeans, an oversized hoodie, and a pale, gaunt complexion. He wasn't the type you'd think you'd see coming from Johnathan university, but that was just his element of surprise. He looked unkept and dirty, despite the fact he was quite keen on washing up whenever he could. It made him blend in better where he lived, but it made it harder to go to school and not draw some glares and sneers.

        "Where do you live?"

        "Farther down south."

        "How good are you at cutting things?"

        "I worked in a morgue."

        "How good are you at learning?"

        "I have a photographic memory."

        "How good are you with people?"

        "They're tolerable."

        He tapped his finger nervously on his arm huffing as he seemed to stare off into space. Brauner finally ran a hand through his messy deep brown hair and let out a groan of frustration.

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