How it began

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31st August, 1996

12 Grimmauld Place, in the borough of Islington

Harry Potter was in the middle of cleaning 12 Grimmauld place of its dark artifacts. He did not dare go in Sirius Black's room, afraid that he would have a breakdown should he get in. No, he would rather be in Sirius brother's room.

Regulus Black's room was full of old artifacts. Harry wasn't sure if they were dark or not. While rummaging through a chest that he found tucked away in the closet, he found an odd locket. It was green in colour with an S enscripted on top. But that wasn't the oddest thing. When Harry held the locket he felt a pull in his soul, as if it was calling to him. Harry wanted that feeling. He wanted to hold the locket, to caress it as if his own.


Harry jumped, turning around wildly at the direction of the voice. It turned out to be Hermione's and she and Ron were looking at him sadly.

"I was just clearing this place."

Before he could say anything, Ron crossed the room and peered to look at the locket. Harry had the sudden urge to protect it.

"Mate, where did you get Slytherins locket?"

Harry started. "Slytherins locket?" It made sense. Green in colour with an S in silver. Silver and green were the Slytherin colour. What didn't make sense was that why did he react so strongly at the locket.

Hermione cleared her throat. "Harry I hope you know that some of the things here can be very dangerous." At Harrys irritated nod, she added "Ok then, just come down after you are done. You have hardly talked with us."

Ron nodded at him before giving the locket a suspicious glance and walked out of the room.

Harry looked after them. He knew what they said was true. Both about the locket and that he wasn't talking with them.

Looking around the room, he spotted a time turner. Now, he knew that using time turners were risky and he was also not sure if one could time travel nearly three months before. But what if, he thought. What if a person can time travel longer. What if I can prevent Sirius death. Harry shook his head. No, he would not risk that.

Scooping the time turner in his free hand, he noticed a word. Alternis.


"Hmm, this is odd. Harry I don't think this is just a time turner."

Harry was seated across Hermione and Ron. In the corner of his eye, he could see Remus leaning in, interested.

"Harry where did you find this?"

Not looking at Remus, Harry explained clearing the room. Every time he looked at Remus, he was reminded of the fact that he had none of his friends left. James Potter and Sirius Black dead. Pettigrew with the death eaters. The guilt gnawed Harrys stomach, making his heart ache.

"Harry, I think I know what this is!" exclaimed Hermione. Both Harry and Remus turned to her. Hermione had a thick book bound with leather cover on her hands. Said hands were shaking in obvious excitement. 

Harry peered at the book. On the cover in golden letters were the words Rare objects which can change the world by Gariltha Genert.

"This was the book from which I had learnt about Time Turners. I had almost forgotten about it. The Alternis made me remember why the name felt so familiar." Her ramblings stopped when she saw Harry's impatient face and she cleared her throat, flipping the book to a random page.

"Look here." 

The Alternis

The word 'Alternis' might sound familiar to some, particularly those who know Latin. It directly translates to 'alternate'. Now this could mean many things but the Alternis is much more. It is similar to that of a Time Turner by its looks and the feeling when it is used but the difference begins at its purpose. A Time Turner (more details can be found in Page 203) is a device used for going backwards in time. The user has to wear it like a locket and turn it depending on the number of hours they want to go back. But the user remains in the same timeline unless they change something. The Alternis is something else entirely. For one, to use it one has to push the button and wait until it turns green. Then very clearly they must state what event or thing they want to change. If -

But Harry read no more. Instead he jumped out of his chair in excitement. "This is it!"

Ron, Hermione and Remus looked at him like he was mad. And he was. Mad with happiness that is. 

"Mate you sure you are okay?" asked Ron, worriedly.

"Better than okay. I have an idea!"

At this the others leaned forward in interest.

"Hermione, your book says that the Alternis can be used to change the universe or events. What if we check, what if we say 'if Voldemort never existed?' Don't y-"

He was interrupted by two shouts of 'YES' and 'NO' by both Ron and Hermione respectively. 

"Harry think about this. It could change everything. What if you don't like the consequences? It is enough risky using a Time Turner forget about the Alternis."

Ron however took the Alternis and pressed the button. Handing it to Harry, he said, "C'mon. Wish it."

When it lit green, Harry spoke loudly and clearly. "What it Voldemort never existed?"

Green light engulfed him, obscuring Harry from the others view. In a distance he could hear Hermione's alarmed shrieks and Ron's whoop of joy. Suddenly it was dark.

On the other side, Ron, Remus and Hermione were surprised to find a different boy with long midnight dark hair in Harry's place. When he opened his eyes, they were startled to see the same green eyes of Harry's, just with no trace of grief.

AN: So the first chapter's done. I have some ideas about my second one but you all can give me ideas. Constructive criticism is appreciated. The entire story would be in Harry's POV and sometimes in Third Person. I will mention if I want to switch POV's.

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