Episode 1: The End is Only The Beginning

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The episode begins at Twilight's coronation party, everyone is having a good time. Applejack even invited some of the orphans from the Canterlot Orphanage she volunteers at.

Snooty Pony 1: Are those...children?

Snooty Pony 2: Their attire is absolutely ATTROCIOUS! This has got to be the worst gala we have ever been to!

Meanwhile, Max is treating the confectionaries like an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Ruby: Max! Go easy on the transfats!

Max drinks from the punch bowl.

Ruby: That punch was for everyone!

Spike walks up.

Spike: Hello! I'm Spike, and you must be?

Ruby: I'm Ruby, and this is my little brother Max!

Spike: Ok! You see, I'm recruiting some people for a team called The Scaly 6, and would you and your brother like to join?

Ruby: Yes!

Spike: Okay! See you soon!

Ruby: Bye!

Meanwhile, Cuphead and Mugman are trying to shoot a viral video for HooveTube.

Mugman: Alright, Cuphead! If this turns out hillariously wrong, we're gonna be as famous as Chocolate Rain and Numah Numah!

Mugman starts filming Cuphead playing with a paddle-ball, Spike walks up.

Spike: Hello!

Cuphead slaps the paddle-ball into his eye, giving him a black eye.

Spike: Hello! I'm Spike, and who may you be?

Cuphead: I'm Cuphead, and this is my little brother Mugman!

Mugman: Hi!

Spike: Ok! You see, I'm recruiting some people for a team called The Scaly 6, and would you and your brother like to join?

Cuphead: Sure!

Spike: Okay! See you soon!

Mugman: Bye! And... (uploads the video), yes! We're gonna be internet icons by the end of today!

Meanwhile, Twilight gets cold feet about her becoming the ruler of Equestria, so her friends have to convince her to go through with it.

Twilight: Guys, I don't think I'm prepared for this kind of responsibility!

Rainbow Dash: Don't worry, Twilight! We believe in you, you'll do amazingly!

Princess Celestia barges in with a stressed expression on her face.

Princess Celestia: Twilight! I've got some bad news! The moon is going to crash into Equestria! You see, when Luna became Nighmare Moon many years ago, it caused the moon to become infected with her dark magic. It became sentient, angry and hostile, and it almost destroyed  Equestria! Luckily, I was able to seal it away with my magic, but it would always become free when a solar eclipse happened. So I would have to use my magic to reverse the solar eclipse, but recently, my magic has been fading, and even worse, today is the first solar eclipse in 1000 years! So, if you don't do something, Equestria is doomed!

Everyone starts freaking out, Max starts putting the confectionaries into a plastic bag.

Twilight: Don't worry! We're going to save Equestria and stop the moon from destroying it!

Spike: And so are we! The Scaly 6!

Rainbow Dash: There's only 5 of you🤦.

Spike: Yeah, you're right😔.

Twilight: Well, come on! We're going to save our home!

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Spike, Max, Ruby, Cuphead and Mugman: YEAH!

Applejack: Now, its best y'all stay here, we don't wanna endanger anyone's lives!

The Mane 6 and The Scaly 6 leave. They get on a small wooden boat and head out on their most epic adventure yet!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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