chapter 16

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the summer holiday is over and it's time for Keith to return home to his mate's his mom doesn't want him to leave but she doesn't try to stop him.

Keith packed all his stuff and his sister helped him carry it all out the door.

"make sure you come visit again" his mom said wrapping her arms around Keith in a tight hug.

"I will I promise I'll visit" Keith said hugging her back "see you soon" she said letting Keith go.

Keith made his way towards the train station getting on the train so he could finally go back home.
the taxi stopped at the boys house and Keith was excited he was gonna see his mate's not just over video call but they're actual faces Keith walked up to the door nocking,the door slowly Open revealing Brian "bunny you're finally home" Brian picked him up in to a bear hug.

"yeah I know you missed me" Keith giggled.

"come inside the others are here" he said putting him down and leading him towards their bedroom.

Brian kicked the door open "look who it is" he announced.

Keith looked around the room to see Kai Riku and kale all three boys rushed over to him throwing their arms around him in a giant group hug "Hey guys" Keith laughed pulling apart from them.

Keith had a long trip so he wanted to take a nice bath.

he walked to the bathroom stripping off his clothes climbing into the tub feeling like he could finally relax that he has his mate's scents around him.

He closed his eyes taking deep breaths enjoying his relaxing bath.

After an hour of soaking in the hot water he stepped out the tub drying himself off.

he wrapped a towel around his body, grabbing another towel hanging off a hook,Keith dried his hair,pulling on a fluffy robe he made his way to the closet to get dressed, grabbing a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie.

"I missed you so much"kale said kissing the top of Keith's head.

Keith giggles before replying"I missed you too".

"you look tired" Kale commented.

"just a little" Keith shrugged.


Keith woke up groaning and stretching he looked around the bed and noticed he was alone, "where's everyone" he mumbled rubbing his eyes , standing up and making his way to the living room.

The first thing he saw was Brian sipping coffee and watching tv "don't you have school today Brian" Keith asked "nah I skipped today I have a free day" he said.

"well I have class so I'm gonna go take a shower and get ready" Keith said yawning.


Keith took his shower quickly changing into black skinny jeans and blue hoodie.

He grabbed his bag and headed downstairs where Brian was "ready" he asked"

yeah I'm gonna leave now"

"wait let me drop you off at school"Brian said.

"its fine" Keith said.

"please?" Brian asked flashing Keith his best puppy dog eyes,he sighed knowing Brian taking him to school is gonna be a shit show.

time skip

Keith got to school all eyes on him as he steps out of Brian's car
Brian grabbed hold of Keith's hand intertwining there fingers "let go" Keith whispered to him but Brian tightened his grip not allowing Keith to pull away from him.

"you're gonna get me killed at this school for sure" Keith mumbles.

"who would be so bold to try and kill my bunny"Brian said with a smirk.

brian walked Keith to his classroom kissing him on the cheek "bye bunny I'll see you later"brian said leaning in for another kiss "bye" Keith mumbled pushing him away and walking into his class.

Keith entered the classroom only to find Lance staring straight at him smirking "what's with that face" Keith asked him "oh nothing"Lance replied.

"whatever" Keith said sitting down a couple minutes pass and in walked the teacher "so how was summer break" he asked "it was great Mr.Shirogane thanks" the students answered in unison.

(time skip)

Riku was waiting at Keith's classroom door "why are you here" Keith asked "well kitten I wanted to walk you to you're next class" he winked "I'm surely gonna get killed today" Keith sighed,each step Keith took he got dirty looks "are you scared kitten"Riku whispered in Keith's ear sending shivers down his spine "no I'm not scared" Keith replied his face turning red ,Riku smiled and continued "okay let's get you to class before you're late" he chuckled as he led Keith towards his class.

They arrived at Keith's class and Riku left for his class.

Thanks for reading loves 😊♥️💙
Two more chapter until complete

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