Chapter 7

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Warning: sexual content

Nikolas Elscher

My heart felt like it was beating at the speed of a racehorse and the force of a jackhammer.

I had just called Delilah to let her know I had arrived, and up until this point I had managed to maintain my composure, but now I feel like if I make one wrong move everything could come crumbling down.

Shaking my head, I move the rearview mirror to check my hair for the fifth time, then take a deep breath and let it out slowly before finally getting out of my car. I walk around to stand leaning slightly on the passenger door in what's hopefully a very non-douchey way.

I start fiddling with my phone in the nearly empty visitor parking while I wait, and notice that the guys have already texted for an update. Making the executive decision to ignore their texts I instead check my work email quickly, before putting my phone back into my pocket swiftly.

She would be outside anytime now and I don't want her to think I'm incapable of human interaction. To any outsider I must look incredibly nervous, adjusting my stance and checking my phone constantly.

I can't remember the last time a girl has made me this irrationally nervous, but I like it.

I think the part I like about it is that I've finally found someone who can elicit a response from me. The sexual part of it was never a problem for me, but no other women ever made me nervous or giddy to see them again. I guess it's fair that I should allow myself to feel happy about it.

I don't want to rush anything though, that could get me in just as much trouble.

Look at me, being my own therapist. A benefit and curse of my expertise in psychology.

The sound of keys knocking against metal had my thoughts pausing and my head lifting from the pavement to look at the building doors.

She's here.

She let the door close behind her, putting her keys in her purse.

Fuck, she is so beautiful.

She headed toward me with a heart stopping smile spread on her face, and then I realized it spread across mine as well. Her warm hand fell into my outstretched one as she neared, and my nervousness from earlier was present in a much different way, one I welcomed.

"Hi, gorgeous girl," I pull her into my chest, wrapping my arms around her shoulders, crossing them so that they tuck around her body in a tight hug.

Her own arms wrap around my waist, her head resting on my chest making me want to hug her tighter, though I resisted.

"Hello," she replied in a sing-song voice, pulling her head out from my shirt to look up at me with a soft smile. The sun was beating down on us, bringing out the tan of her skin and her brown-green eyes. They sparkled almost like gems, decorated with dark lashes which contrasted even further against her complexion.

Letting go of her reluctantly, I turned my body to reach the car, opening the passenger side door for her to enter.

She oohed, "A gentleman too?"

"For you? Definitely," a cheesy smile took over my face.

— — — — — —

Delilah O'Connor

We had decided to just head straight to the house, much to Nikolas' chagrin. He "graciously" decided that our first time dining officially should be all together, though he remained humorously dismayed by the change in plan.

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