Chapter 34

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Arshita's Pov

They fought again!! And I didn't even tried to stop them, because I was done and also because by now I'd understood that there was no use in stopping them. They were gonna fight every time they saw each other so why not let them fight for once and all!

And now they both were locked up inside a classroom to sort the things out, I don't even want to imagine what they would be up to right now.

It's been almost two weeks since all the mess had happened and here I was still trying to figure out if things could really go back to the way they used to be, it was becoming more frustrating by every passing day. It was like the hope of making everything right once again was being crushed one by one with every new fight!

Shubman even for once, never tried to strike up any conversation or even properly look towards me, and it felt horrible because no matter how much I thought about it, no matter whatever fights we had, whatever we said to each other, there were still these irreplaceable feelings I had for him! But I don't know if he felt the same or not, did his feelings changed for me? Was it that easy?

Although Manish and I had made up and talked out everything, and Shriya and Ishan getting back together, everyone else was still the same. Fighting the moment they step in front of each other.

I just sighed annoyed and kept my head on the table as I was sitting alone in the cafeteria after the disastrous fight.

"Who do you think you are to say that to me?" I heard someone shout just on the next table and I knew who exactly it was, Rishabh!!

"I'm exactly the person who can say this to you, because you're a fucking idiot!" Abhishek shouted the next and I looked up widening my eyes as they all were once again fighting. I almost banged my head on the table in frustration as I got up and walked upto them when Hardik also shouted,"Don't you dare talk nonsense! Have you all forgot your place once again?"

"What is wrong with you guys?" I asked annoyed but no one replied as they all were busy shouting at each other.

"Who the hell are you to tell us our place?" Mayank shouted and Nikita also came forward nodding her head as she said, "Exactly, haven't we always said, we don't want to go so down to your level!"

"Yeah that's because you guys can't do that, our level is so high, that you all can only dream about it" Ishan shouted and I just sighed while looking between all of them left and right, I seriously had lost the power to stop anymore fights now!

"We don't dream about such useless things!" Manjot said and Tanya chuckled slightly, "Yeah because it would break your heart for not becoming true, right"

"Ohh please, you're joking right? Because you don't make any sense" Shriya said and I gritted my teeth, what is wrong with them, even Shriya and Ishan? Weren't they good now? Why are they fighting again?

"Guys! Stop it!" I said but no one stopped as they were busy quarrelling in their own world and I was getting more and more frustrated by every other word..."SHUT UP YOU IDIOTS!" I shouted at the top of my voice and they all stopped while turning to look at me while I stood there giving them all an angry glare.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys? Can't you all just stop? Isn't it enough? How long is this going to continue? Aren't you all tired of it?" I asked shouting and they all stood looking down.

"Those two morons are already stuck in a classroom and now you all are not ready to stop this shit! STOP IT FOR GOD'S SAKE!" I said and they all looked at me while Hardik walked upto me and kept his arm around my shoulders as he said, "Take a breathe Arshu! You seriously sound like loudspeaker, and also I'm glad that you're convinced by our acting"

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