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Jade's Pov

It was finally the end of school. I got on my bike (up top) and went home. Then i decided to pay Elijah a little visit. I went to the Mikealson Mansion. I knocked on the door and Klaus answers I pushed past him and said where's Elijah. Why do you want to know. Klaus asked with a voice of jealously.

Because I- I was cut off by Elijah saying "I'm right here-". Good let's go hang out I say cutting he of before he could reply i had already vampire speeded to the supernatural park.What is this place and why are witches doing magic infront of people? Elijah asked.

This is a supernatural park I say. Wow. Said Elijah. Lets get some ice cream. I said. We went to the ice cream cart and I said Hi can i get 2 triple scoped ice creams. Yeah sure thing. The cart man said. After we got our ice cream we sat on a bench. Long story short we talked and laugh. I was honestly a good time.

This we vamped speeded to the mansion. When we got there i said Bye Elijah. Bye Jay. I walked to my motorcycle, got on then speeded to the Salvatore boarding house. Long story short after I went home I saw Klaus in my bedroom.

I asked what he was doing here and short story we got into a fight where he keep saying I'm his and only his and I can't have sex or be in a relationship with nobody but him.

Eventually I got tired of arguing and pushed him out the window where he the proceeded to fall off the roof, roll on the ground where he still keep rolling untill he rolled into a lake.

Klaus's Pov

I cant believe it. She pushed me out the window than i fall in a lake. When i got up her door was window was closed and locked so I gave up, i went back to the mansion and went to sleep.

Cheated and Rejected Mate of Klaus mikealsonWhere stories live. Discover now