Part 1

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I pull up at my house and get down and my mom comes running to me and gives me a tight hug, and I hug her back and smile

Mom: oh, my gash, I missed you so much

Me: I missed you to mom

I say smiling nodding my head up and down and just looking at her

Mom: I need to go to the store do you want to come

Me: umm yeah i need to go get a few things

She goes on my side of my car, and we drive off to the store, when we get there, we park and go inside and split up and as I'm walking, I accidentally run into someone, and I pick up their cloths and get up and look at them

sky: oh hey

Me: hi Mrs. white

Sky: please just call me sky

Me: oh hi sky

Sky: hi, how are you

Me: I'm good

Sky: so, what brings you down

Me: umm out of college looking for a job

Sky: oh, so you're looking for a doctor position

Me: teaching actually I change up

Sky: oh really

Me: yeah, so know just waiting for them to call me back you know

Sky: Umm actually we have an opening for a teacher because a lot of teacher are retiring such as

I start to day dream off for a while and then i come back and her say

Sky: Marlow, john

Me: wait is there a lot of opening huh

Sky: yes, there is so if you show me your resume i would consider hiring you

Me: oh okay

Sky: do you have it

Me: yeah, in my car. Let me just

Sky: go ahead

I run out to my car and go and get the peppers and run back to her and give them to her and she looked at it and just nob her head and then she looks up at me

Sky: okay, can you start on Monday

Me: yes, I can

Sky: great

I smile and then part ways with her, i go to the car and get inside of it and look through my phone and call pepper as I call her it goes to voicemail

The voicemail: hey I know it's been a long time since we umm talk but I'm back in town and maybe we can meet up for coffee are something its uh up to you weather you want to or not

I put my phone down in my lap and put my head on the seat and close my eyes and take a deep breath

Mom: hey what's wrong

Me: nothing

Mom: oh okay

I drive off and as I'm driving I see an apartment and then I drop my mom off and go and see about it I see about it and talk to the owner of the building, as I go in and I see a lady and I go up to her I talk to her for and end up getting the apartment and getting the keys to the apartment, I go up to the apartment, and set up an air mattress, until I get everything that i need

Time skip

I wake up and brush my teeth, I get dressed in a white t-shirt and black pair of jeans, and then get into my car and drive off to the school i go in and see sky waiting for me and she smiles at me

Sky: hello fay

Me: hi

Sky: are you ready for your first day

Me: yes, I am

She takes me into the classroom, and I go in there and put my things down and smile

Sky: okay well if you need me just call and your kids should be here pretty soon

Me: okay

I start to get ready and see the kids come into the room and sit down on her desk and i smile, i sit there and watch all of them come in and then the bell rings

Me: okay guys

I get up and go to the front of the class and was going to start to talk till I hear the door open and I look back

Marlow: sorry-

Kid: thank you

She looks at me and i just look at the kid and smile

Me: thank you, well class welcome to English class

I smile and go in front of the room

I hope you guys enjoy the story!! thank you!

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