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This story will contains graphic themes such as:
Sexual assault
Dark humor
Suicidal thoughts
Please, if you do not like or are uncomfortable with themes such as this please leave.

"Madoka! Can I come in? I need to talk to you."

Madoka looked up to see Ariel Standing by his office door. He took one last glance at the folder he had been holding and closed it. He fixed his glasses on his face and turned to give said girl his full attention, who just tripped over herself.

She moved quickly, she grabbed the chair closest to her and sat on it. She dropped the two folders she had been holding onto the brown wooden table. "What do you have there?" Madoka asked, moving the previous file he had been looking at from the table to inside the draw of his desk.

"Okay, as you know you're new here. Today when I was talking to the headmaster, I mentioned that we didn't have anyone to work with the two new students that were brought to the school a few weeks ago.", Ariel spoke quickly. She had this happy energy around her that brightened the whole room; she was too excited for the environment that they were in.

"Personally, I think you would be best for this, you're new so the students don't know what to expect from you. Maybe you'll be able to turn some of them onto the right path." Ariel handed him two black folders. The files within had information about the twins.

Madoka picked up one of the two files to read through it, supposedly one had been convicted of battery assault while the other of sexual assault, both of them had taken part of burning down a school killing 64 people in total.

" But wait... I've never worked on something so intense before. I really doubt something like this is a good start.. Especially if there's only going to be me working on it." Madoka wasn't too keen on working with twins on his own. The charges were already bad enough.

"Oh don't worry you'll be fine, nothing bad will happen you'll be fine. You will have guards around you at all times." Ariel saying that did quell the nerves that moved through him. Hopefully it would be as "fine"as she said.


This was the biggest opportunity Madoka had ever gotten, it just came with a very large price he would have to pay.

After his conversation with Ariel he had decided it would be best if he changed out of his work clothes into something more comfortable. He had on an olive green blazer and black pants. He wanted to fix his nerves up a little before leaving his office to get a start with his new patients.

Walking through a hallway with criminals and convicts brings chills down his spine, and it only gets worse when you have to work with them. You see, when Madoka first graduated he had not a clue on where he should start. He looked at countless jobs online and around the world, ultimately he had no luck finding one.

Alas one day he found an application for a physiatrist at Black Bridge. Masked as a place for juveniles to redeem themselves for what crimes they had committed; just a wicked form of redemption is what it was. Every level of crime was welcomed into the building, from every type of assault to whatever form of murder. It didn't matter what it was, the school claimed that they could "fix" them.

No, this wasn't his ordinary form of work but he was willing to try. I mean his monthly salary would be bumped up to 50k at the minimum, and when the first half of his contract was finished he would be able to get a new start somewhere else.



Madoka waited at the door. Unlike the other doors on the floor this one was unvandalized. There were no inappropriate drawings of genitals that decorated the door. Nor were there any terrible words written on it. It was just a white door. Everything on the sixth floor was unique. The structure was completely different. Instead of having two guards at every door, there were metal gates on each one of the doors. These gates used a master key to open them, that only the guard of the floor. After the gate the doors used a specific key card to open them.

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