Facing the past 🍃

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I want to fall

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I want to fall.

Fall apart,

Break into pieces,

Drown in the dark,

Drown in my tears, blood.

I want to fall into the darkness.

but i'm scared.

I'm scared because I know that no one is here to catch me.

No one is here to here me scream,

No one is here to dry my tears,

No one is here to catch me when I fall.

I want to fall.

but if I do there's no coming back.

«I love you Nancy » Jin murmured and closed his eyes as car with high speed was rushing towards him

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«I love you Nancy » Jin murmured and closed his eyes as car with high speed was rushing towards him

He opened his eyes thinking he was dead but a tall person in black suit came towards him and kneeled down to his level

It was still heavy raining , jin blinked his eyes to see person's face

The person took out his napkin and wiped his face softly and........ as jin saw person's face he was shocked

Fa...Father !! - his eyes widen

Ya it's me son - he smiled softly and indulged him in a tight hug

Son I missed you whole time!- his tears started raining mixing with rains

Jin didn't hug him back

What made you to come back now !!! ?? What you want from me!!?? You made me to go away from you !!??? Then why are you back!!?? Go back in your life !! - jin screamed in his lungs

W..what are you saying son ?? I took you away??!! Me !! It was you who ran away and I fucking searching for you whole time! - he cupped Jin's face and looked in his eyes

Jin yanked him and stood up

No you not !! You never !! You're liar , you lying again!!you all are liar ! This whole world is full of liars.. and just liars !! - he shouted in his lungs and punched the car making him bleed

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