
862 33 3

Twice will be same age as now
Yoongi will be teenage 17-18 year old

Let's start the chapter


01 || ᴅɪꜱᴄᴜꜱꜱɪᴏɴ

Third Person's POV

"So you're telling me that the nine of you, very famous and very busy may I add, wants to adopt a little? " The manager asked the nine lady sitting at the huge couch across him, looking elegant as ever.

The said nine girls nodded their head in unison. They've been thinking about it for some time now, and today's the perfect time to spill their plan.

It was all silent for a minute until one of them decide to speak up.

Yes, we do. We've been thinking about this " said Jeongyeon.

The manager looked at her, studying her face as if she's waiting for someone to tell him that it was all a joke.
Minutes passed and it didn't happened.

"What made you think that adoption a little would be greatly thing? I know it'll be good for your image and such but but I hope that you're well aware that having a little is not as easy as it seems, right? "

"We'll make it work. Just- just give us a chance, please? We just wanted someone to spoil y'know? Someone to take care of. I know that we sound like as if we're just talking about adopting a dog but believe us, it took us months to finally have the courage to tell this to you " the leader, Jihyo blurted out.

The manager sighed in defeat. There's no use in telling them what to do if they already made up their mind. And since they've been nothing but successful in everything they did, maybe he'll give this to them as a price for their hard work.

"Okay, okay. Be thankful that I love you all. Your happiness is my happiness too".

He wasn't even finished talking and he already bombard by hugs of the nine girls. He wasn't even complaining tho. For him, nothing can beat the job that he was now.

They were all smiling and hugging each others as the manager finally freed himself from the hugs. "I'll forever protect those smile " he mumbled to himself before clearing his throat to hopefully get their attention.

"yes, manager-nim? " Mina sweetly, answered.

"Since I already agreed with this. When are you planning to adop-"

"tomorrow " Tzuyu said and others nodded their head in agreement.

"tomorrow?! What about the things needed by the little? You haven't even-"

"We already have diapers, bottles, crib, toys, clothes, milk, highchair, rocking chair, story books, rash cream. I'm, what else do we need?" The manager stared at the list Sana was holding. They were all discussing things as if they've already experienced having a little. So they're really that serious, huh?

Plus, they were able to do all this things without him noticing it?!

"How about the little's roo-"

"Already sorted out. We choose blue because we want a boy, except for Momo who wants a girl but majority wins sooooo boy it is " Chaeyoung whined as Momo smacked him at the back of her and that begins the bickering of the two.

At this point, the manager was already impressed. They surely came here prepared even though they weren't sure if he'll let them have a little.

He sighed in defeat for the last time.

"Tomorrow, 9am sharp. Meet me here at the office. I'll accompany you to the nearest adopting center here "

"Yayy!! Thanks Manager!! You're the best! " they all shouted in unison, hugging him for the last time before exiting the room.

He just shook head fondly as he stared at them until they were already out of his sight.

It made him think of the first time he meets them. All he saw was nine determined girls doing their best to debut as an idol. Years passed and they did. They're more than of what they're wanting now.

They've been focused on all the achievement they've been having that he didn't even notice how the nine childish girls he once knew somewhat grew up and matured that fast.

He shook his head fondly. He didn't even need noticed that he was smiling as he was packing his things.

He's just happy that all of their hard works were all finally paid off.

And for him, whoever this little will be, it'll be the luckiest little to even exist. With the love of the nine girls and the million fans around the world, there's no doubt that he will be the most loved little of all.


Hope you like it!x

- Author nim ~

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