It worked!

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William jolts awake and sprints out of his tent, pure terror running through his veins until he realizes where he is.

"Freddy Fazbender's Pepperonerie?" he mutters to himself "Am I really back?"

William stares ahead at the restaurant him and Henry built. The orange-red sunrise starting to immerge from behind it. He had forgotten what it was like to experience an Arizonan sunset ,or even what breathing and having the wind in your face really felt like. William laughs a bit and stretches' his arms out, no longer being able to resist the urge to. Suddenly a cold hand places itself on his shoulder

"Eek!" He yelps and turns around, instantly relieved to see it's just Henry. 

"Your sure jumpy this morning William." says Henry slowly, still a bit groggy from waking up

"Y-Yeah." stammers William. "I guess that's what living on the st-streets most of your life does to you!"

"You won't have to live on the streets when I'm done with you. Just don't wake me up this early, you know how thin my patience is in the morning." Henry grumbles

"Un-understood!" William stammers

"And stop stuttering like that, It's annoying me" Henry mutters as he goes back inside his tent

William's shoulders sag. Henry was much nicer in his memories, but who knows how delusional he was back then. He tiptoes into his tent, careful not to make lots of noise, and grabs some lemon tea to attempt to boil it over the fire.

"Ah my favorite..." William whispers as he begins to boil the tea in a old kettle he found. if he recalls correctly that was the one he found in the dumpster... its still as orange as ever. William jolts as it reminds him of Jack. he could possibly see him when they start hiring! He got carried away with the thought and didn't notice his tea was ready, and when he poured it into a plastic cup he only burnt himself once! Progress.


After a while Henry got back up and unlocked the door so they could continue getting the restaurant ready for opening. And even though Henry insisted he go through the door William climbed through the window. it was a tradition, and he wasn't gonna break it despite Henry's slight concern. Back in the afterlife William was unable to go through the window because they did not open all the way, so this made William content despite being sent back in time.

"Today I think we should work on the suits. Do you still need supervision?" Says Henry, it was obvious he was forcing himself to sound considerate.

At first William was confused but then remembered the time he had them on his hand and triggered them on purpose, Just to take out a bit of anger on himself. Henry was so angry after that and forced him to scrub the suits hand until it was clean. At least he bandaged his hand first.

"No, I think I'll be okay. I promise I won't trigger them again." says William, This time sure that he meant it.

"Good you better not. if you need to take some anger out you can wait till we kill the children." Grumbled Henry

Not knowing what else to say William just nodded and swallowed. He couldn't ignore the fact he kind of wanted too, as much as he kept telling himself he had changed and that he was here to save the children. Disappointed with himself William left to the stage to work on the suits, perhaps that would distract him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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