rotten world

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As it seems that high School couldn't get any worse, your kinda in a tough situation rn

You and your friend swan we're just hanging out at your place, you two were pretty good friends because you both shared the same music interest and also both being somewhat outcast at school

He came over because he was kind of upset about something that he witness about Juliet

"I can't believe she likes that guy Nick than me, what does he have that I don't?!"

He said Angrily upset

"I'm sorry to hear that swan, there's plenty more fish in the sea" you said in a relaxed tone

"I'm just so upset that when I finally started talking to somebody who treated me with kindness who did not care about my appearance or was just friends with me as a joke didn't like me back" he said laying on his back on the ground staring at the ceiling

"I know that feels, I'm sure though that things will start getting better soon, trust me on this" you said messing with the radio

"They will realize how much of a great guy you are one way or another. Karma will get those who treated others wrong" you said reassuring

Personal Jesus by depeche mode starts playing

He then sits up with an evil grin

"That's it!!! I'll get revenge" he said looking at you with some insane look

"Revenge? What were you planning?.." you said awkward laughing

"That's it! Thank you Y/n your such a genius!!!" He said grabbing your shoulders

"WAIT! What do you mean???!" You said confused

"I'll give them a hell! For all the people who both treated us wrong! The football team, cheerleaders,School administrators, the whole world!" He said mad laughing

"Woah bro chill, explain to me you're going to do?" You ask

"I'll turn this world into a rotten world. With this you and me can get revenge and watch the world burn! No one will ever bother both of us ever again, y/n" he said in a serious tone

"Don't you want Sweet revenge? Think about it! How many times have you been bullied by your weight? By music taste or appearance? Or just simply existing! I know you know how it feels y/n.." he said grabbing your shoulders and still looking you in the eye

You got a couple flashbacks of when you were publicly humiliated by the football team, he was right tho

You look at him in kinda disbelief
"I mean, your not wrong." You said nervous

"Don't worry y/n, I'll make sure your protected and everyone else is dead" he said in an evil tone
"Anyways I got to go!! I'll see you tomorrow! I will repay you some way or another"

He then left in a hurry

You were a little nervous and what he was planning on doing, but you're sure it's nothing too bad

You hurried up and change into some bed clothing and went to sleep

Not knowing what's going to happen tomorrow

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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