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Sam's Pov: 

Okay, so maybe a hike in the woods wasn't the best idea. But who the hell could have see me getting killed by a falling Deer carcass? No one that's who! So where the hell am I now? I'm in a black void of nothingness. Like where's heaven or hell or purgatory or whatever? Wait... am I being reincarnated? I hope I'm not anything to important, like a prince or princess or anything. Just a normal person please......

Error's POV

Another day, another beating from Ink and that damn paint brush. I laid there in the Anti-Void, Blue healing my injuries like always. I don't get why he's this nice to me, I kidnapped him for Fox sake. But who am I to tell him to leave if he wants to help, I just hope no one sees him doing this. I groan in pain as soon as I'm healed, Ink made another damn AU. Why can't I get a break? What ever I'll just go destroy it and come back. Opening a portal to it, the voices scream telling me to go somewhere else. It must be another trap AU then, these suck so bad. Oh well, lets get this over with. I step through and I'm greeted to a green void, okay new color I guess. I ready myself and as soon as I do an army of copies attack right on que. Of course I beat the copies but I get blind sided by Ink right after. That bastard opportunistic artist! He's about to attack again when suddenly, he drops his paintbrush.... What the hell?

Sam' Pov:

When I wake up I look around and see a tiny Error sans? Looking around more I see a just as tiny Ink about to bash his skull in. Wait what the fuck am I? WAIT am I Ink's damn paint brush?! What was it called? Broomie I think? Holy shit I'm Broomie?! Okay but WHY?! Screw it, If I'm Broomie I say no more beating the tiny Error bean! I imagine myself 100,000,000 tons and instantly Ink dropped me from the massive amount of weight. I can see Ink look at me confused his eye lights reflecting his confusion.

Ink: "What the heck! Broomie what's gotten into you?"

Like I'm going to talk to you, actually hold on let me check. I check Ink and Error, I've no idea how I know how to do all of this but I'm not complaining. Yup Ink and Error are Forced gods and Ink is being completely controlled by Fate. Hmm though he does resent Error for having more freedom than him. That's... understandable... okay how to help out here. I can't move on my own, can I? I try my best to move and surprisingly... I fail. Right I'm a giant fucking paint brush of course I can't move on my own! Heh, screw it, determination is stupidly overpowered in this right? So why not try will power? I concentrate all my willpower and determination on myself, I'm going to move whether Fate want's me to or not!

Ink's Pov:

I was just about to beat Error when Broomie became super freaking heavy and I dropped them. Confused I asked what his problem was only to get no answer. That's weird usually he tells me what's wrong, is he mad at me for not creating enough, or creating to much? He did complain about being over worked... I should apologize quickly and leave. As I moved forward to apologize properly Broomie started to glow dimly at first than brighter and brighter. It looked like Broomie was about to explode before the glowing form began to change shape. I watched in pure awe as Broomie turned from a paint brush into a Skeleton. Looking at them I could only think one thing...

Ink: "OH NO HE'S HOT!!"

He was the most perfect skeleton I've ever seen, bones of purest silvery white, a flowing brown robe, and a golden choker collar. I could feel my face heat up as I looked them over, I was totally blushing and didn't care who saw.

Broomie: "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! I did it! I can't believe it worked! My own body."

3rd person POV:

As Broomie stretched they could hear his bones popping and cracking as he moved around. After stretching out completely Broomie walked over to Error and poured Green healing paint on him by the buckets full. Once the Paint ran off of the small Glitch he was nearly completely healed. This action shocked everyone, as Broomie helped Error to his feet. But the next thing Broomie did shocked them more so. Picking Error up princess style he turned to Ink.

Broomie: "I'm taking a vacation, I've been way to stressed lately. Not to mention overworked, so see ya partner."

Making a paint portal they jumped in carrying Error, leaving Ink confused and Fate pissed. Since when could this shitty paint brush go against her wishes! She fumed as she looked all over the Multiverse for Broomie, looking to tighten her strings around his neck. Only to realize, her strings were gone, cut, burnt off somehow. She couldn't do a damn thing, instantly she blamed Destiny. That was the only reasonable explanation, marching to her sister's room Fate kicked open the door.


Destiny: "Dear sister I've done nothing to your shit storm of a multiverse. I have my own to govern."

Fate: "Oh dear sister then why did my Ink's Broomie suddenly turn into a skeleton and ride off with Error in their arms!?"

Destiny's eyes widened in shock and confusion, Broomie did what now was her only thought. Fate's eyes also widened at the realization Destiny had no idea about any of it. Which meant, someone else had to be responsible for it, but who? While this was going on, Broomie and Error were in OuterTale watching the stars. 

Error: "Th-thanks for ... healing me..."

Broomie: "You're welcome, sorry I could help earlier, I wasn't allowed to."

Error: "By Her right?"

Broomie nodded, a few minutes later Ink showed up to complain. Only for Broomie to take the other tiny skeleton and pull him onto his lap. Now Ink and Error were in his lap both blushing like crazy. It was an embarrassing moment for the two of them but it was nice, and relaxing. So much so both of them fell asleep on top of Broomie. Looking down at the, he could only think of one thing. 

Broomie: "How can I free them from Fate?"

I'm Broomie!?!? Reborn as Broomie in an Fgod Multiverse.Where stories live. Discover now