【 Weaving Promise 】

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❝ How nice

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How nice.


ㅤMeeting with people is very convenient now that (Y/n) has a phone. She really should've listened to Chifuyu and got it sooner. In her previous life phone also exists, but she never had the time to fiddle around with the luxury.

ㅤ(Y/n) made her way to Musashi Shrine where she was called to by Ryuguji over the phone. Since it's her first time going to a gang meeting she is feeling rather nervous if she was to be honest. Not about being scared or anything of the sort, more of wanting to make the best impression on their friends and not mess up like the first time she did when Kazutora introduce her to them.

ㅤ(Y/n) was overwhelmed by the amount of motorcycles present in the area. If she had seen this from afar she would've thought there was some sort of festival going on from how many lights they were.

ㅤ"(N/n) c'mere." She glances over to the caller. There sit Manjiro on his bike looking like an actual delinquent more than usual. Manjiro being serious is kind of weird now she gets to experience the full version of it.

ㅤUpon noticing (Y/n)'s arrival, Mitsuya made his way over to greet her. "Hey (Y/n) no time no see. How have you been?" Due to being anxious over so many people surrounding them, rather than making an effort to reply to him, she nods from pure pressure much to his confusion. "Oh anyway, why are you here?"

ㅤRyuguji spoke up for her seeing how she had been keeping her silence this time. "We got her to join Toman." Mitsuya looks baffled and turns to (Y/n). "I know you can handle yourself, but are you sure?" He exhale when she confirmed it. "Well, not like I can stop you. Just be careful okay?" Mitsuya affectionately ruffle her hair much to Manjiro's discontent. He hid it well though since he is currently acting as the leader of Toman. He can't afford to be childish right now so he looks away pretending not to care.

ㅤShe can only blink at his needless worries. She has been shot more than hundreds of times, electrocuted, almost burned alive multiple times, had her limbs broken, and many more of those things. Joining a gang of teenage delinquents who mostly uses fists to fight is the very bottom of the danger level she has done in her opinion.

ㅤ"Takemitchy should be here now." Ryuguji checks the time on his phone and mumbles to himself. "Hey, Emma! Keep (Y/n) company will ya?" He signals Emma over to their location. She came running over upon setting her sight on (Y/n).

ㅤEmma lit up happily. She grabs on to her friend's hands. "(Y/n)!? What brought you here?" Emma feel her friend's hands shaking after she asked that. Mistaking it as her being nervous around all these dangerous looking delinquents, Emma glares and shoos them further away. She smiles and turns back to (Y/n).

ㅤWhile (Y/n) appreciated it, she felt even more pressure on her. "I joined..." With the quietest mumbling, not a single person could make out what (Y/n) is speaking. Emma didn't want her to force herself so she retract her question. "Ah nevermind, I'm just glad you're here too." (Y/n) stiffens up from receiving Emma's sudden hug much to the amusement of Mitsuya who watches on the sideline.

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