but im okay:)

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I sit in the darkness of my room,
Wanting it to consume me whole me.
But I'm okay.

The tears burning down my face,
As I silently sob.
But I'm okay.

I reach to wipe them but quickly retract my arm, in
the salty tears sting.
But I'm okay.

The blood seeping through my checker board wrists,
Soaking up my arm.
Say anything but what I am.

I have to be right?
I get good grades and have lots of friends.
But the blade in my hand says other wise.

I'm okay.
I repeat hoping to convince myself.
A lie.

The clock hits 5 and I get ready for school.
I'm okay.
I repeat to myself.

I smile at my parents.
I smile at my teachers.
I smile at my friends .

Because I'm okay
I have to be.
I have to be okay?

I'm not okay.
I never was okay!
I was never okay!

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