that girl

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It was almost time for my shift to end so I could finally see Jay again. After a few moments a beautiful girl comes in and it's a girl that comes in often. I always thought she was beautiful, she is also very sweet and I love that about her. "Hi Daniel!" She yelled. I smiled. "Hello Anna, want your usual?" I asked. Anna nodded. "Hey, this is a very weird question but um...will you be my boyfriend?" She asked. "Yes, of course." I answered.



When I saw and heard Daniel with that girl I felt my chest tighten and tears started pooling in my eyes. I got up and walked out before I could reach for the door. Scott grabbed my hand. "I'm taking you home." He stated. At this point tears were rolling down my face. Me and Scott started walking back to my house and I put all Daniel's stuff by the door so he could grab it and leave. I started coughing a lot and realized I was coughing up Daniel's favorite flower Dahlia...I stopped coughing after a while. After a couple minutes Daniel got home.

"Your stuff is by the door." I stated. Daniel looked at me shocked. "Why?" he asked. I looked at him. "Well I thought that you might wanna live with your girlfriend instead of someone that you met three days ago." I said. I started coughing more. It hurt a lot to see him with someone that's not me. Daniel ran over to me. "Are you alright?" He asked. I coughed more. I started crying and pushed Daniel away from me. Daniel was confused and called Scott. When Scott arrived Daniel was moved out with his girlfriend. Scott was with Bo and Rory. When Rory saw me he ran up to me. "Are you okay?" He asked with fear in his eyes. I lightly smiled and hugged him. Rory hugged back. I tried so hard to not cough on him. "Scott doesn't trust you alone, so we're all moving in." He stated. I giggled and looked at Scott. "Is this true?" I questioned. Scott nodded. I smiled and said: "Alright. Rory can sleep in my room." Rory giggled and went to grab his stuff from Scotts car and everyone followed.

Soon after I got a text from Anna saying: "Don't ever talk to my boyfriend again. I don't want you guys to be friends anymore." I rolled my eyes And responded "Kay." then blocked her and Daniel.

It's been three weeks since I've seen Daniel, and I've been coughing a lot more frequently. Daniel has tried to come over multiple times then eventually gave up. Until one day he sent me a letter...

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