Chapter 2: Grand Entrance

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"what are you wearing?" Eunji asks from the doorway, being the last girl to leave she's helping you with last minute preparations before this party.

"I had a dress ordered as well as a mask. I double checked they were by separate companies so that way no one could put two and two together and know it was me."

"smart girl." She sauntering over to you, peeking over your shoulder at the gown currently in a garnet bag, unzipped, hanging up. Eunji whistles. "You are going to stop a few hearts in this."

"I only want one to skip a beat." You whisper, running your hands across the fabrics of the dress.

Eunji smiles at you as if she knows without you having to say it and in a lot of ways she does. Eunji knows exactly who your crush is.

"Let's go! Get showered, shaved, everything! I better get a picture when you are dressed or I will be sad." She points at you on her way out of the door way before leaving the dorm entirely.

Now it's just you to get ready and leave, hoping you come back with no scandals out of this night. It's just a party, things will be just fine.


You take your time showering and making sure you are fully shaved before you get to work on your hair. You first blow dry it so it will be easier to tackle last minute before moving on to slipping into your bra, panties and matching stocking that clip to the garter belt you have on so you don't have to worry about them falling and embarrassing yourself.

You take the dress out of the bag before stepping into it and taking the next 20 minutes trying to zip it up in back. When it is finally on, you look at yourself in the mirror and take a moment to appreciate how the fabric accentuates your curves nicely.

You chose the dress because it is form fitting in a flattering way, with black shiny sequins on every inch of the black fabric of the dress. There's not one but two suits to mid thigh and the straps are off the shoulder, draping on your upper arms in a way that makes you look absolutely beautiful.

You go into the bathroom then and do your makeup very subtly wherever the mask will touch and them normally on exposed parts of your skin, settling for a deep maroon color lipstick to match the sparkles on the butterfly wings of the mask you'll be wearing.

Once finished, you carefully curl the ends of your hair and shake them out before pinning a few strands back and away from your face and then slide your mask on.

You chose this mask because you like how it looks like you are wearing a million butterflies on your face instead of a mask.

On your way out of the room, you throw what necessities you'll need in a matching clutch before going to the shoe rack to pull out your black stiletto's with the cute buckle around the ankle so they can't easily slip off, slipping them off before grabbing your sheer black shawl and heading down to the waiting car.

You managed to get ready and arrive only 10 minutes late. Who shows up to a party on time anyways?

The house in question belongs to someone important, that much you know. South Korea isn't as big and spacious as many would think so large mansion like houses are quite rare especially so close to the heart of Seoul.

The doors open for you, the two men at the doors bowing to you before allowing you inside.

The first thing you notice is the amount of people and probably idols and celebrities alike are actually here.

The second thing you notice, is how strange it is to hear kpop being played in the speakers as you descend the stairs down into the main room. Not that you would complain, just feels a touch out of place with the décor. You feel slightly out of place but you suppose this is the first time you are even wearing so much as a skirt or dress in public, even if nobody knows who you are.

You spot BamBam right away, his laugh and overall energy making him stick out like a sore thumb or maybe it's just because you know what to look for.

You walk up to him and tap his shoulder, waiting for him to excuse himself and turn to look at you. For a second he clearly doesn't recognize you then he does a double take.

If this were a cartoon, his eyes would probably have bugged out.

"I knew you would show up!" he whisper yells, too excited to really keep it down. He hugs you tightly before hiding you out at arms length to get a good look at you. "Color me impressed. You look so good."

"Thank you. You look quite handsome yourself." You grin, letting him grab a glass of champagne for the both if you before steering you to your group of friends that were able to make it. You can tell based on voices, who is who.

The first one you notice is Jungkook, sitting across from you and not taking his eyes off of you for a second.

"We're here 10 minutes and you already found a girl? Damn Bammie how do you do it?" Yugyeom laughs, giving you an appreciative once over while makes your eyes widen in pure surprise. How do they not know it is you?

Bam nearly chokes on his sip of champagne so you have to pat his back to help him catch his breath.

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