End of an epic love story

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(chapter seven) (End of an epic love story)

Nicolette died after her fight with her mother . Kristian get out of his mind and don't know what to do . He realized that he love her so much when she was gone.

At the school , New girl has transfered . Kristian come close to her and ask her name but when the girl turns her head and face him ...


"Who's that?"-The girl

"You !!! Oh c'mon quit playing games"-Kristian

"No , I'm not Nicolette my name is Lirah . I'm new here , my dad is a professor here . And you are ?"-Lirah 

"I'm Kristian , I thought you were my friend , Nicolette , you know you look so close . My mistakes , I'm so sorry "-Kristian

"It's alright , I gotta go"-Lirah


Kristian asked his classmates about the look-a-like of Nicolette but his classmates said that they don't know Nicolette.

He's so confused 'coz for him Nicolette does exist but for his classmates they forgot her and they don't even remember their classmates Frank and Jason.

Now , He's thinking if that's just a dream or reality and destiny .

Lirah invited him to a dinner with his family .

"Come , You may eat all of this"-Lirah


"Do you like blood?"-Lirah's mother



"I'm just asking him"-Lirah's mother

When Kristian was leaving ...

"Wait !!!" (Hold him)-Lirah


Then Lirah bite him and drink his blood . Kristian never knew that Lirah is also a vampire til' his last breath .

That's the ending of my story , Sorry for the wrong grammar and missplelled words

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