Chapter 17- lost

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Sienna Marino

I made it to the city just as it was getting dark, to be honest I didn't know what I was going to do here I just wanted to get away from everyone, from the drama from the stress. I drove around instead by drive around I mean sit in traffic. But there was no way I was leaving a fucking Ferrari in the streets to walk around especially because this was Luca'a if it got stolen he'd blow my head off.

I decided to go to this little cafe Ari and I used to go to all the time. Actually the one we were on our way to when we got kidnapped. Ahh fun times. I parked the orange car in the parking lot making sure it was locked befor heading to the cafe. I opened the door with a ring of the bell above.

"Oh my god. Sienna is that you?!" The guy behind the counter said.

I looked over and squinted to see him. "Yeah it is, hey Jason!" I smiled walking over to him. We were regulars here so he knows Ari and I.

"Where have you been I haven't seen you in here for like months!" He gasped.

"Yeah, we moved out of the city." I told him.

"Damn really? Where'd you get all the money from?" Everyone knew you had to have a nice sum of money to live just outside the city.

"Long story.. I chuckled awkwardly scratching the back of my neck.

"Oh yeah? Get involved with a gang?" He joked. I smiled even though he hit the bullseye on that one. "Anyway what can I get for you."

"Just a medium ice coffee please." I placed my order and stood to the side waiting for him to make it. It was almost closeing time and where I looked out the window the sun had just set. I should be getting back soon it's been a long day.

"One ice coffee." He winked at me, I always knew he had a thing for me he made it to obvious.

"Hey Sienna, we should go out sometime." he called when I reached the door.

"I'm sorry Jason but I have a boyfriend." I gently shot him down leaving right after.

I got back into the car and sat for a moment so I could enjoy my coffee. after I took a few sips I dropped it into the cup holder beside me and started the car. i headed back where I came from but after I drove around for 10 minutes I realized I didn't remember how to get home. I looked around for any familiarity. Nothing. sighing I grabbed my phone intending to call Ash but my phone was.. dead. Shit.

Asher Hernandez

The doctor stitched me up and I was going to go see Sienna but I thought maybe she wanted space, so in the mean time I decided to do some work. I headed to my office closing the door behind me and sitting in my desk. I had quite a few things I needed to sign and set up a training regiment for Ari and Sienna aswell as the new recruits. I also needed to return to Italy soon but I wasn't sure how to bring it up with Sienna. What if she didn't want to go?

I shook that thought out of my head thinking it's probably best if I sort things out with her first befor I suggest moving to Italy. We could bring her mom with us if she didn't want to leave her.

I continued my work, I had way more than I thought but it had to get done one way or another no matter how much I wanted to go see Sienna. It's been a few hours and I have only really left the office to get water or something to eat. I checked the information on Sebastian again.. there has to be something in here to find his where abouts he can't just disappear.

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