To live life

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My life hasn't really been what you would call 'fun' so far, my parents died when I was 3 and my little brother was 2, my best friend, Sasori, rest in peace, died of illness when we were 12, and my foster parents died in a house fire when I was 9

I've been living as a parental figure to Naruto but I'm not too good at it. He was diagnosed with serve depression at 13 and he's really emotional, suicidal, and moody. His boyfriend, Sasuke, helps a lot and does the things I can't which is pleasing to say the least

I went to school when I was younger, every teacher, friend, and foe I met died suddenly shortly after meeting me. People began making stories about how I was cursed and I was never to be met. After I finished middle school I took online classes at home cause I was tired of their shit 

I've always had a passion for art so I made clay sculpture's, drew women, and sketched birds, but my favorite thing to make are.. Explosions. It sounds weird but I enjoy making a small clay bird just to watch it explode 

I also draw explosions and the fear with in every soul once they go off. It simply sets my heart ablaze! 

I still go outside and stuff but I wear a mask cause somehow my face made it on the news when I was little and now I have people looking for me. Of course, since I have a sense of fashion, I wear boring ass cardigans and ripped jeans because why the fuck not 

I sensed footsteps stepping toward the door, see, I'd been standing outside Naruto's door for the past 15 minutes waiting for someone to come out

Sasuke peeked out the frame slightly, "Yes?" 

"How has Naruto been? He hasn't come out to eat in 2 days" 
I inquire in concern, trying to see Naruto but he was just staring at the door as if a monster were waiting to come in, completely naked I may add 

"He's doing well, but we were in the middle of something so please excuse me" He closed the door after speaking in that cold tone, it almost makes me shiver 

The door locks, the sound of a bed creaking and muffled moans arising. Naruto and him started to, well, let's just say they started the reproducing process. I want assure myself that Naruto isn't being treated too harshly though I know it's a kink or some shit. Damn, I just realized he lost his virginity before me 

You know what?.. I'll go to the supermarket and get ramen for him, he's been surviving off a diet of saliva, cigarettes, sperm, and Tylenol, which doesn't seem the best if you ask me 

I also need to restock on pencils so all the more reason to go. I changed my clothes into grey sweats and a huge hoodie because it was my ex boyfriends and I'm not too sure I'm over him yet. Oh yeah, did I mention I'm gay? 

After I left I didn't even notice the time mad passed so quickly and somehow I was already out of the store 

I dropped a bag, in the middle of the street. Shit, just my luck the fucking light is green and now my pencils are gonna be run over. Man! Guess I gotta go home without them.. 

Of course I'm pissed about it, I mean, those pencils are like $5 each, but I can always get more I guess 

"Excuse me, you dropped this" 
Someone poked my bad, once I heard the deep and masculine voice softer than a pillow, my heart started racing 

The man who had tapped me had long dark hair tied into a neat ponytail, his eyes were deep, deeper than any I've ever seen, so rich in onyx I almost teared at how they shined in the sun, his skin so pale it seemed he hadn't been in the sun's sight in years yet it was so clear he looked like a gorgeous painting. Don't even get me started on his figure, tall, skinny yet muscular, and so hot I didn't even want to blink 

"T-Thank you.."
I shudder, hesitant to take the bag of pencils in fear I'd never see this hottie again 

He gave me a little smirk, only elevating his already beautiful appearance and tinting my cheeks pink "Sorry to ask, but what's your name?" 

"I-I'm Deidara Uzumaki.. You?"

"Itachi Uchiha"
He shared with a tone of knowledge 

"Oh, you must be Sasuke's elder brother right?" 
I inquire, jolting at the realization that others had been staring at us the whole time 

"Yeah. How's he been? He hasn't been home in over 8 months" 

"He's well, I'm sorry, I've been watching over him but it didn't even accrue to me to tell him to go home at least once" 

"It's quite alright, say, may I have your number?" 
He asks 
I respond, writing my number on a small slip of paper I had in my pocket 

"Thank you for looking after my brother, I'll text you, since you're pretty cute" 
His smirk became lustful as he took the paper and handed me the bag, waving tiredly as he walked in the opposite direction

"O-Okay.. Bye I guess...." I mumble to the point he couldn't even hear me, then it hit me, he called me cute! 

He was so hot! I felt butterflies in my stomach and a thump in my heart, almost as if he set something off in my heart, like an explosive 


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Peace out :P

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