Are You Crazy? (Sanemi x Reader)

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Sanemi x Reader
Female Reader
Are You Crazy?


Y/N's Pov

"The Flame Hashira has died"
The moment I heard those words my heart shattered. My best friend saved all of those people but couldn't save his damn self. I scream as I'm told the news. Sanemi, Mitsuri, and I are on a mission currently and I can't just leave, but it hurts so bad. "Y/N" I hear Mitsuri say softly and I just look at her, making her flinch. "Let's get this over with, I'd like to at least make it to the funeral"I snap and she nods as we move forward. The moment I sense the demon, I charge in recklessly leaving the other two behind. I can't even think straight right now, this has to end now. "Water breathing, second form: WATERWHEEL" I scream as I take down the demon. It coughs blood but just laughs, making me angrier. "Someone's a little fiesty"he laughs before throwing me back away from him.

"Sorry sweetheart but it's gonna take a lot more than that to kill me"he says and I feel the anger building up inside of me ready to burst. I charge back at him multiple times, all being unsuccessful until I can barely move. "Aw now don't give up that fast, I was just getting started"The demon cackles and I go to charge it when suddenly I'm yanked back into someone's arms. "Y/N! ARE YOU CRAZY? WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!"Sanemi yells as he holds me against him. " LET ME GO SANEMI, I NEED TO KILL HIM"I scream, my voice breaking. "WHY THE HELL WOULD I LET GO OF YOU?!ARE YOU TRYING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED" He screams back and I flinch. "YEA MAYBE I FUCKING AM, NOW LET GO" I find myself screaming. I feel Sanemi flinch but he doesn't say anything. I look up to see Mitsuri charging at the demon.  "Love breathing, first form: Dragon God's Tide-Ebbing Jeweled Sword!"She exclaims, slicing the demons head right off. "NO!"I scream and Sanemi holds me tighter.

"I was supposed to kill him" I cry and Sanemi stays silent while holding me in his arms. Mitsuri walks back to us with a sad smile on her face. "Sanemi please take her back to base, I don't think she should be alone"She says softly and I start to cry harder. I feel Sanemi pick me up and I just bury my head into his chest. "It's okay Y/N" he whispers and I feel myself dozing off to sleep. Maybe it was just a dream. Maybe Rengoku is fine, just maybe my lifelong friend isn't dead.


I hurt everywhere. I let my emotions get the best of me and now I hurt. I open my eyes and groan as light shines directly in my eyes. "Where the hell am i?"I grumble, sitting up in the bed. "My house because you're fucking stupid"I hear a familiar voice and I look to the doorway to see Sanemi standing there. "Oh hey Sanemi"I mumble, rolling my eyes. "Are you done being a cry baby and letting your emotions control you or do I need to kick your ass?"He snaps and I flinch slightly. "You can't even kick my ass"I laugh, trying to lighten the mood. "I'm not fucking joking" he growls out and I flinch, feeling tears well up in my eyes. "I'm sorry"I mumble, looking down at my lap. "Sorry isn't gonna fucking cut it! You're so fucking stupid! Do you know how worried I-"he cuts himself off coughing and my eyes widen. Did he just say what I think he did?

"how worried Mitsuri was?"he says a lot quieter than he was just a few seconds ago. "Sanemi.."I say softly moving to get out of the bed. He turns and rests his head against the doorframe and I feel my heart break. I slowly walk towards him, scared he's going to snap. Once I reach him, I grab his arm and gently squeeze it. "I'm sorry that I made you worry"I whisper and he scoffs. "Just don't ever pull some shit like that again, Mitsuri would have my head" he grumbles and I find myself smiling. "It's okay, I know what you actually mean"I tease and he turns to look at me, He doesn't say anything just stares. After a few minutes of silence I reach one hand up and rest it on the side of his face.

"Thank you Sanemi, for everything"I say softly as my thumb strokes his cheek, tracing the scar on his face. Next thing I know his lips are pressed against mine and his hands on either side of my face. My eyes widen for a second before they flutter shut and I melt into him. I slowly wrap my arms around his neck and I feel his teeth graze my bottom lip. He slowly pulls away and leans his forehead against mine, clearly out of breath. "Now don't you ever say you're trying to die again, understood?"He grumbles and I tense up. I forgot I had said that. "I won't" I whisper and slowly press my lips back against his.

"Hey Sanemi! How's Y/N doi-" "oh my god, I'm so so sorry"I hear mitsuri squeak and Sanemi growls as I pull away. "That was so cuteee"She squeals before running away and I giggle. We stand there in silence just looking into each other's eyes for a while until he pushes me into the room and shuts the door. "S-Sanemi" I squeak as he walks closer to me, causing me to walk backwards and fall on the bed. He stops one I'm sitting on the bed. "W-What are you d-doing" I stutter and he growls. "Just shut up" he grumbles before pressing his lips against mine once more. After that we didn't do much talking.


I cry as I look down at the casket, Sanemi's hand rubbing my back. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help you Ren"I sob as I lean into Sanemi. I feel lips pressed against my temple and I look up to see Sanemi looking down at me with sad eyes. I know he was hurting too but he would never let people know that. Rengoku was the light in our group, he was always so damn happy and made sure that everyone else was too. It's been 2 weeks since Rengoku passed away and I've been with Sanemi every day since then, not once has he shed a tear. Looking at him right now, it looks like all he wants to do is cry.

"Let's get out of here"I say softly and grab his hand before tugging him away from the casket and away from the funeral. "It's not fucking fair!"Sanemi spats making me flinch slightly. "He was such a good fucking guy and one of the strongest hashira's, it's not fucking fair"he says, his voice cracking at the end. I feel my heart break as I wipe the tears from my face and look at him. "No it's not, you're absolutely right" I say softly as I wipe the tears that roll down his face.

I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He instantly wraps his arms around my waist and starts to cry. His shoulders start to shake and all I can do is squeeze him tighter. "I love you Sanemi"I say softly and I feel him tense up as his crying comes to a stop. He pulls out of the hug and looks down at me before leaning down and pressing his lips to mine. Once he pulls away he gives me a small smile. "I love you Y/N" he says softly. "Now let's go the fuck home"


Hi guys! I hope you all enjoyed this one! I know he's not a huge character in the anime but I genuinely like him and honestly think people interpret him to be heartless but this is how I feel he should be interpreted. He's a little rough on the outside but I think he's got a soft spot somewhere in there. Let me know what you guys think! (Also not my art but I really liked this picture!)

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