The Witch

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The world will never understand.

They will never understand.

All they will ever do is point their fingers, lash out their tongues, and widen their eyes.

They were not there in the first place. They were not there when I'm all but rattling bones cowering in the darkness. They did not feel the warmth your touch brought me that night.

I did not care how tight you were holding me that I feel like my bones were crushed. It was not painful, I rather felt more alive. The sensation made me realize that it's happening. Someone's here. Someone's finally come.

He called me by a different name. He told me my blue eyes are like the sea, and for once I wondered if my eyes were even blue in the first place. It didn't matter, I called him in a different name too.

We were stuck each in our own illusions. Him finding his love still breathing and I... thinking that man came back for me.

It was hard keeping illusions alive. We need to be both deaf and blind while looking and listening to each other. Like parallel worlds closely interacting with each other. Or perhaps an asymptote nearing zero.

I did not care how he molded me to keep his illusions. How he dyed my eyes as blue as his beloved and I remained in the darkness. Hoping he was the man I was waiting for.

They say it's madness but I call it warmth. He was warm. He was real. He was there.

For that pathetic little warmth I don't mind burning. So that night I gave him the peace he sought. Told him the words he longed to hear. And as he slept with his lips upturned, his brows relaxed, I ripped off his heart.

I buried his mind far from his heart, so no longer will he drown in misery. No longer will his potential be buried. With bloodied hands, I took the same fate as I did with that man. I willingly tied myself to the stake and let him set me afire. Taking the blame and sins I forcibly scarred my name in.

Maybe, as soon as I'm all but bones once more, he will come again. The same warmth, but a pity I can no longer check if it's real. I can no longer feel anything.

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