Chapter 1

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So basically I'm writing this cause I'm bored so yeah.

Also; I don't care for punctuation, So get used to it :)

~ Ismini


Bertie's POV

"I'm bored!" I sighed loudly. The start of holidays with nothing to do...great start.

I Looked around the room for something to distract me with, even if it was only for a mere few seconds.

You see, I had just gone through a break-up with my long term girlfriend after she...cheated on me..yep.

I can't really say it surprised me, I mean...things were getting...weird, like...really weird.

Suddenly she just didn't have the time for me when clearly she was sneaking around with some other guy.

I'd gotten over it...mostly.

And the sad thing is....I would take her back if I had the chance. I'm stupid I know.

It'd been a few weeks. I'd stopped making videos for a while; it upset my fans but I just needed time. Time to myself. Time; alone.

I was getting into the swing of making videos so I was getting better.

In two days time I'm off to the YouTube London create a space to make a...socially acceptable video? so hopefully things would run smoothly.

I'd recently done a video with a friend of mine called Pj Ligouri you've probably heard of him, yes have you? He's a good lad!

It's basically the story of how a clown had gone crazy and how he had received his name,

wiggles the clown. It was because of an annoying posh kid named timmy Thompson, who is played by yours truely.

But I won't give it all away as I'll leave you to watch it yourself.

Friday night, I was sat alone in my bedroom.

I wasn't tired yet not completely, so I opted for my laptop under my bed.

I reached around under my bed poking around for the metal device and fist pumped when I felt the corner of the rectangle object.

I sat up with my back against the head board of my bed and slid it onto my stomach as I logged into my twitter and brought up the YouTube tab to read the comments on mine and Pj's latest video. Just things like...


Omg yay Bertie's back!



Even as a clown Peej still looks hot!


Ahaha, Almond milk OBVIOuSLY! Classic timmy



Why are these kids even aloud on the Internet? They suck.

So you know the usual amount of comments.

It was just a thing that us youtubers, if you could even consider me one, had grown accustomed to. The hate is normal, you can't seem to please everyone.

I went back to the youtube homepage looking for a video blogger that I could help boost up. As I now always did at the end of my videos as one of my New Years resolutions.

I stopped at one that my friend Dom had commented on a few hours ago. Which was strange as e was hardly ever online

DomDayable: Another work of art, keep it up! :)

Cameras, Youtube, Bertie Gilbert.Where stories live. Discover now