Chapter 3

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If your innocent ears are too innocent for cussing you MIGHT not want to read this chapter :)

he-e-ey how's it goin? you good? I'm not going to apologise for not posting. I have a legit reason so, I'm going to start writing now, okay.

- Ismini


I hopped off the bus and walked into a little coffee shop me and the boys had agreed to meet at.

A bell sounded from above the door as I walked in. The café had a real homey feel to it; almost as if I was sitting in my room at home. AND it had wifi!

If I had a cafe I'd make it Tumblr themed, where everyone only knows everyone by their URL and nobody knows anyone's real name and it's a massive mystery, we'll be sponsored by Starbucks so the hipsters will be happy, and cats for the lonely people *Cough* me *Cough*. And, to get wifi they'd have to follow me.There's another way to gain followers.

Sometimes I swear I'm bipolar.

I took a seat at the back of the room, where I could still see the entrance, incase they came in. Growing bored with the ratchet bitches on Facebook I decided to play Temple Run as a way to pass the time.

I heard the bell chime as I approached my new record. The bell hit me off guard and I swiped my thumb over the wrong turn and fell off the edge and into a tree.

"Stupid pice of shit!" I muttered to myself.

"Ugh, I'm offended!"

I heard an over-dramatic high pitched voice. I looked up to see none other than Dom Herman Day and a nervous looking Bertie Gilbert.

"I'm play- I WAS playing Temple Run. What took you so long!" I said explaining my "horrible" cussing and accusing Dom of being the one in the wrong.

"I ought to wash your mouth out with soap! Does your mother know you cuss like a truck driver? And..Bertie made me late!" Dom remarked stretching his arms out and upward in an attempted hug.

"You possessed or somethin'? Put your arms down. People are staring," I said laughing slightly.

"Don't I get a proper greeting?" Dom asked. A fake flabbergasted look overtook his features, he can be daft at times but you gotta admit, he's a good actor. He is blonde after all.

'Blonde jokes are an easy laugh Izzy', I hear you say? Not in my books, in my library that stuff is gold! That and fart jokes. They're so bad they're funny. It's a win win situation really, people either laugh because it's funny or they laugh out of pity. It's brilliant.

I looked over at Bertie seeing as I hadn't acknowledged him since I "swore at Dom" I cuss a lot,sitting in the car next to my aggro road raged mother you learn to get used to it. God I love her.

"Why hello there my name is Isabelle Pierce, you may call me Izzy. And you are?" I said, I already knew his name (Bertie Hottie Gilbert. Obviously.) I just wanted to see him interact. And talk to him more. heh.

"Hey, I'm Bertie Gilbert," he said extending a hand for me to shake.

Aww he's so sweet and proper, he looks so cute in his button up white shirt and black skinny jeans. A bit formal for this place, but I'll allow it, just because it's Malfoy's son, and I don't wanna get mixed up in the wrong crowd if you know what I mean, meeting Scorpius wouldn't be THAT bad though- never mind moving on. I watched Harry Potter on the weekend don't judge me!

His voice so soft and deep yet calming. And then there were fingers clicking in front of my face.

"Yes, I do believe I'll have the chocolate!" I said.

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