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Chapter 3
Her whole demeanor changed as her eyes started sparkling with hope. “You really mean it?”
“Not really. It’s just a ploy for me to get close to you and then I can suck out your soul.”
Enkeli’s heart sank and started beating faster. He sounded serious.
‘This was a mistake. All I wanted was to improve my quality of life but now I’m going to get killed instead!’
She backed away slowly, hoping she couldn’t hear her heart as much as she could hear it against her head. Her mouth ran dry and she was fully prepared to make a dash for it. ‘Who am I kidding? There’s no way I can outrun a demon!’
“Pfft hahaa, I got you there didn’t I. It was a joke.” He shook his head to fix up his hair and the strands of blood red fell in place so naturally that it was almost questionable. He put a finger under the cloth of his black turtleneck shirt and pulled it to the side then stretched his neck to the other side. “Its kind of warm here.”
Shedim didn’t know if he was doing this to scare her or impress her. Perhaps then she’d finally appreciate that she was in the presence of a great demon. After all, he still hadn’t told her that he was the Demon King and it didn’t seem like she was aware of the fact. There was no way she could be acting this normal after finding out she summoned one of the most dangerous beings to ever walk this world.
Shedim waved around his finger and a huge tent appeared in the middle of the cemetery right out of thin air. One second, there was just grass plants and the next there was a huge professional looking tent in front of them with a zip in the centre that would lead them inside.
“After you.” He bowed his head slightly and gestured towards the entrance.
Enkeli felt chills running up and down her spine, she couldn’t move a single inch. She felt like she had been stuck to the ground by super glue.
“That-” She began, unable to form words for the magnificence that was in front of her. She may have had experience with the supernatural since a long time ago but none of those things showed her something worth looking at. From hideous faceless monsters to creatures that had faces she wished were removed, there were a lot of gross things she had seen. For the first time, she saw something not of this world that wasn’t repulsive.
Shedim smirks slightly, thinking he had terrified her to her core. Humans could only dream of witnessing the supernatural, no matter how hard they tried to look, they wouldn’t find it. It isn’t visible to everyone and not everyone is meant to see it. Though, those who are meant to see it, might not want to at all. However, it seems fate has a funny way of leading one to their destiny, regardless of their personal desires and wants.
“That’s amazing!” She jumped up and down with excitement. She had forgotten along the way who she was speaking to because she grabbed the sleeve of his shirt and pulled on it, practically dragging him inside the tent. She couldn’t wait to see what was inside it and what it was like. She thought it was incredible, what he had done. She thought of how useful it would be for homeless people. If he wanted to help, homeless wouldn’t really be a thing anymore.
Shedim let himself get dragged inside, despite the fact that he was strong enough that even top tier demons couldn’t budge him even if they tried.
‘Why am I getting warped in? This girl is crazy.’ It was the only explanation he could think of. How could she touch him so casually after knowing what he was? She was behaving freely and carelessly without a hint of anticipation of danger. At first, it had angered him because he wanted to prove that he could invoke fear in any human that walked the earth but now, he found himself thinking how she was still alive despite her being so careless.
He cleared his throat and glared at her hand that clutched the sleeve of his black turtleneck so tightly, he was indicating for her to remove it but she didn’t notice. She was busy admiring the interior of the tent. From the outside it seemed small but the inside was more spacious than she had imagined. There was a table with 2 chairs, a couch in the corner and a king sized bed at the centre that had rose petals settled on the sheets.
“Aww that’s so cute.” She commented at the bed.
Shedim grit his teeth and waved his hand around, removing the bed entirely. His initial plan was to seal whatever deal she wanted to make with a kiss and then he would seduce her and show her great passion and then when he felt like she could never forget about him, he would reveal his true demon form and terrify her. She may be settling for that handsome human face of his but if she found out what he really looked like, there’s no way she would be this casual. Shedim was sure of it.
However, her actions were irritating him and everything she found wonderful, he wanted to remove. He didn’t know the reason himself.
“That was awesome. How do you do that? Is it an inbuilt talent or is it a demon thing? Did someone teach you this or is it self taught? Can humans do this too if they trained hard enough? Can-”
“Enough.” He pursed his lips. “You’re crazy. Aren’t you?”
“I’m not sure what you mean.” She smiled, her brown eyes shining and glistening with the call of adventure and she skipped to the table and sat down. Enkeli had been called crazy many times during the course of her life. She was being serious about not knowing what it meant anymore. Was it being mentally unstable? In that case, it was always assumed that she had schizophrenia. Her parents being in a cult in a church that only worshipped God made things much more difficult for her. Whilst everyone else believed she had schizophrenia, they believed she was purposely communicating with evil spirits because it was her destiny.
She thought of what else the word could mean but could not come up with any other answers. Settling for the synonym ‘spontaneous’, she took it as a compliment and brushed it off of her shoulders.
He shook his head with squinted eyes.
‘I will definitely make her succumb to fear. I just need to play along with her deal for now.’
“The table is empty and… I’m hungry.” She said as she pointed at the table top. Enkeli had eaten in the morning but after meeting a real life demon and going from scared to excited, she felt that the adrenaline had burned off all of her calories and it was time to have another meal yet again. It seemed that everything she ate never ended up becoming fat for her, she would have the exact same body no matter how much she stuffed herself. Many of her female classmates were jealous of this ability of hers however, Enkeli found it inconvenient that she could not gain weight even if she tried to.
Shedim hadn’t planned on complying, in fact he actually felt slightly annoyed by how casual she was being, as if they were old time friends who met after a while for lunch and were going to share ridiculous stories of what happened to each of them during their time apart. It was pissing him off. However, when Enkeli’s stomach rumbled slightly, he couldn’t help but pull off a little magic trick.
Reaching towards Enkeli’s ear, he pulled out a rose from behind and then with a slight twirl of his finger he set the rose on fire and dropped it on the table. Startled, she backed away but then noticed how with a few dusty black sparkles, the burnt rose was replaced by many plates of delicious looking food on the table.
Enkeli’s mouth watered at the sight of such fancy dishes.
“Now, would you rather eat this, or eat me?”

Author's Note

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