two. | jayson tatum.

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You sat in class, being bored as ever

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You sat in class, being bored as ever. You were sure that  didn't want not to willingly take summer classes ever again, but it's not like you had much of a choice anymore, especially with what you was majoring in. The only significant positive in what you were doing was the lower stress throughout the school year when it came to schoolwork, and the time you had to experience and be hands on when it came to your career.

" Alright. Are there anymore questions or concerns?" the professor asked. No one had anything, so class was done. You headed out of the door and trotted over to your car, making your way to your apartment styled dorm.

Entering inside,  your roommate Lauren was there— which was a bit surprising to you, as you expected the woman to be out and about. She rarely ever saw her around the dorm, and barely on campus.

" Y/N! How you doing girl?"

" I'm okay...and you?"

" I'm feeling good....excited actually." Lauren says, going in the kitchen to grab her hot comb. You sat your things on the table and sat down in a chair as you took your shoes off, listening to what Lauren was saying.

" So while I was at the club, me and my girls ran into these guys...and these just weren't any type of guys. It was them California playas!" Lauren says, making you chuckle.

" But anyway, they were here to play an exhibition game, I guess. But they invited me to this party tonight, and you know I have to go. Especially with it being an underground party. That means it's exclusive."

" Oh, well that sounds fun. And it's definitely something to be excited about." You responded, getting up to get something to drink.

You and Lauren were complete opposites to each other, hence to why you two really weren't close or even friends. Lauren was wild, and always out. People knew who she was because of that. You on the other hand, was a home body at best and stayed with your head inside of book.

" Y'know what? I think you should come with me." Lauren says to you.

" Me? Oh, I don't think that's a good idea."

" How come?"

" I take summer classes, and I have to study for this big test. That way I won't take have to take the class during the school year. Plus, I can get some extra credits." You speak, explaining it all to Lauren.

" That's're definitely better than me, taking some damn class in the summer. But come on, it's not gonna hurt to have some fun. You don't even have to stay the whole time."

" Then what's the point of coming?"

" Y/N, are you not hearing me? THE POINT IS TO HAVE FUN!" Lauren yells, shaking your shoulders. You could only sighed, not believing that she was actually considering going to this party.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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